Monday, January 28, 2013


Firstly, recently from Queensland.

Snow ????
Queensland style !!

and Secondly, a classy new add

..... and not an Aussie "ocker" or swear word in sight
( Thank heavens !!)


  1. I saw Queensland snow on telly last night and the car that came through it and nearly ran into some people. I do so feel for the people going through yet another flood disaster. It must be breaking their hearts. Between floods and the devastating bush fires, poor old Australia is copping some grief.
    The new ad promoting is rather beautiful. A shame we happen to be one of the most expensive countries in the world right now to visit. The cost of our accommodation for the most basic motel is outrageous.
    Anne xx

  2. Totally agree about the cost of holidaying here in Oz Anne. Makes going overseas for a holiday an easy decision doesn't it?

  3. I watched the clip of the car appearing from under the 'snow' and overtaking the bus on the news here in Angola. The driver must have been a submarine captain, how the hell did he know where he was going?

    Is it really that expensive in Australia now? I always thought of Oz as expensive to get there but cheap once you were there. At the lodge next door to where I am building a room is US$400 per night. At the nearby golf course, a room is $600 per night. I will be charging $400 at weekends, $300 during the week. Meals next door consist of a buffet at $50 a head, at the golf course it is $100 per head, my place will be A la Carte. A friend of mine who came to visit told me of a place in Luanda he goes to where it is All You Can Eat at $70 a head but they make no distinction for children or ladies with a light appetite.

  4. Is that that pretend snow that comes out of these blowing machines? It looks a bit beige and not very cold.
    Never heard of an 'ocker'!.

  5. Not snow Foody , foam off the ocean stirred up by the cyclone we have been enduring!

  6. Hippo: Wow and I thought Oz was expensive although in the holiday season you could pay prices like those in the **** and ***** accommodation. That's why camping is so popular here... and of course most of the time our climate is perfect for camping ( when we aren't having floods and cyclones I mean !!!)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I was thinking it wasn't too expensive here after looking at hotel rooms in Barcelona and London!
    Had a look a the surf at Coolum on Monday, oh wow it was big and lots of that foam there too.
