Wednesday, January 2, 2013

QUARTET - A film review

Another hot day today so off we headed to the air conditioned comfort of the movies.
I love this time of year when the new releases are all coming out and there are tempting trailers of releases to come before your movie starts.
Today we went to see "Quartet".
I expected the film to be similar to "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" and in many ways it was:
* ensemble of well known stars supported by more recognisable faces,
* some funny one liners,
* some sad bits,
* some happy bits,
* some uplifting bits,
accompanied by some fabulous music
and set in a retirement home that I want to put my name on the waiting list for !!!!

Among this cast of fabulous oldies Pauline Collins was, for me, the absolute standout.

It was so nice to see them all done up in their finery and looking fabulous too.

We came away from the theatre with smiles on our faces.

Tip: Sit down and watch the credits till the end.


  1. I've seen the shorts of this a number of times. Isn't it wonderful how movie-theatre-going almost died out and cinemas were closing left right and centre all over the place... and now there are so many great movies coming out!?

  2. We love a good movie and enjoy it much more at the theatre than at home.

  3. I three movies I currently want to see, make that four after your review of this one.
    Stay cool,
    Anne xx

  4. Glad to hear you had so much fun. Watch the credits to the end? If only. I usually try to, but other people just start getting up and clomping out, making a noise and blocking the view, making it impossible. Maybe they are better mannered where you are.
