Friday, January 4, 2013


Firstly, I have to tell you I'm not a cricket fan.

To me it's like watching paint dry.
For years as a devoted parent I'd go along to watch Brett play.
Sit there for HOURS trying to shelter from the baking hot sun under a tree
and the moment I looked away he would hit one to the boundary,
bowl someone out,
or be out himself !!!
However if you live in Oz you can't ecsape cricket completely no matter how hard you try to ignore it.
Today is a very colourful day at the usually boring white Cricket.

It's Jane McGrath Day - a day set aside to raising awareness ( and money ) in memory of Jane McGrath,
first wife of our beloved Glenn McGrath


Jane herself was loved by all for her sunny nature and died after a brave battle with breast cancer.

It's fantastic the way everyone has embraced the wearing of pink on these days and so the Cricket Ground is a sea of pink.

But although pink is everywhere there is another colour making its sombre appearance here and there.

Black - black armbands worn in memory of Tony Greig who died recently from a heart attack.
Not an Aussie by birth but certainly a popular adopted son who presence will be sadly missed in Cricket circles.


PS. I heard an interesting statistic today: -
" More people die from lung cancer than from breast cancer and prostate cancer combined."   
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  1. Jane McGrath day is AWESOME! Pink is not my favourite, but I love this use of colour to promote breast cancer awareness and fund raising. Jane was a beautiful person.
    Anne xx

  2. What a wonderful tribute and fundraiser!! Love, love all the pink!!

  3. What an amazing tribute, I hope lots of money is being raised.
    Happy New Year Helsie!

  4. Jane McGrath Day is one of the highlights of the Australian summer for me.

    It's a tremendously worthy cause and one I have a deep affinity with having recently lost a family member to breast cancer.

    I also love seeing all of the butch Aussie blokes in the crowd embracing the whole thing and wearing as much pink as they can find!

  5. The cricket has really done a great thing embracing this cause.
    But as for watching it I think I would rather watch paint dry!

  6. How interesting, I'd never heard of this day. Lovely.

  7. Im not a cricket fan at all but how wonderful is it to see a sea of pink at the cricket!

  8. What a great fundraiser this has become, it's great to see so much support for a wonderful cause!

    I can't wait for the ashes series
