Tuesday, December 4, 2012


What's the most likely thing to happen when you are expecting a heatwave ?
Of course your aircon breaks down!!!
So with 39 degrees C forecast for today we headed for the Shopping Mall.

They have aircon there don't they?

We set out at 10 o'clock with the temperature at a mild 28 degrees but beginning to build.

Dash was newly bathed ( not impressed ) and still wet so should be cool (ish ) if she stayed in the shade.

We settled ourselves into the movie theatre in the cool aircon to see this:

Loved it!
Action scenes wonderfully executed.
No blood and gore.
Great one liners, coolly delivered.
A story you could follow !!!

Best yet.
( I'm not usually a great fan of 007 movies )

One of the things I enjoy most about a trip to the pictures (movies) is the trailers
and this time of year there are usually some good ones ready for release.

I'm excited this year because my absolute favourite musical of all time, Les Mis, is due for release.
What a cast !
Live recording of all the songs !
I absolutely can't wait ! 

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  1. that's good to know as I heard mixed reports from friends who have seen the bond film.
    I can't imagine a heat wave, I'm sitting here in my thermal socks!

  2. Hard to imagine being too hot as here we are wearing our fleecy jumpers and wooly socks indoors!! Hope Dash stayed cool - I imagined at first you'd taken her with you but I am guessing you left her at home? Glad you enjoyed the film. Meant to say earlier how is your Dad doing now? I seem to have got all behind with my blog reading and commenting.

  3. Hot, hot, hot! My craft group had their Christmas break-up party today, thankfully at Sizzler Restaurant! We all stayed lovely and cool and enjoyed a wonderful lunch. I need to sew tomorrow..... please - a cool change! It's hard to sew with the ceiling fan on full blast:-)

  4. Totally agree with you about Skyfall - I'm not usually bothered one way or another about Bond films but that was great. It does help that Daniel Craig can act as well!

  5. I agree Les Miserables is one movie I want to see also. Stay cool!!

  6. The library is another cool place .. we have no AC so when it's hot, we do the same thing. movies and shopping.

    thanks for the Bond review.

  7. Glad you found a way to stay cool. Both are on our list. But, I'm already working out to the new ADELE song from Skyfall....Love it. It might be my favorite tune of the year.

  8. I hope your air conditioning gets fixed soon. You guys have had a warm week! It's been long sleeves down here this week in the South.

  9. Fingers crossed they fix your aircon soon! Can't wait to see Skyfall, it looks very good. Hope you were able to stay nice and cool, I sure don't miss the sorching summers back home. :-)

  10. I saw Skyfall a couple of days ago too! Found it a bit loud (my ear problem) but very very good too. Isn't Daniel yummy? Sad about M tho'...

    And yes, I'm looking forward to Les Mis, Anna Karenina, and also of course. THE HOBBIT!

    Egg-nisher all better yet?
