Sunday, December 2, 2012


Here in Brissy we're in the middle of a heatwave.
That is to say that tomorrow's going to be hotter than today
and Tuesday will be a scorcher - so they say!

We've been holed up at home with the aircon belting out all day so we haven't really felt the heat
We're having a bit of downtime -
 no rushing about
just pottering.

Tony's been working on our photos of the final weeks of our 2011 holiday. We've been a bit slack at organising our usual MovieMakers - one for each week of the holiday - where we put all our photos with a bit of comment and music.
They are such a great way to remember our holidays and we often sit and watch one or two of them on the weekend.

I've been working on a little craft project I've had in mind for ages.

A friend of mine has this teacosy.
I think it's very cute.....

and I've been wanting to make one for ages
only I want to make mine into a cushion.

So today I've been working on my owl cushion

Time to do some hand sewing tonight.
Then I have to decide how to do the eyes as I don't want to use buttons like the teacosy as it is to be a child's pillow/cushion.
I'm thinking that I'll just embroider them on.

Hope to be able to show you the finished article soon.

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  1. Can you send some sunshine this way?

    Like your friends tea cosy, looking forward to seeing your cushion
    Julie xxxxxx

  2. Love the cosy. I may just steal the idea. Stay cool!!1

  3. I remember Brisbane in the heat.. in 1977 it was... sitting indoors all day with the egg-nisher on. I was with my friend Wendy and we'd motorcycled up from Sydney and were staying out at the Air force Base at Amberly where my uncle and his wife and my cousins lived. Happy memories.

    Love the owl. I expect the recipient will too!

  4. I've seen owl cushions around the internet and have book marked a few for when I have a spare afternoon. they are so cute !

    Last week was 35+ here and this week is 20...Go figure!
