Friday, November 16, 2012


After a stinking hot day today
we decided that it was just the night for a dinner take away.
A visit to our favourite Thai and we came home the proud owners of this
Penang Chicken Curry - my absolute favourite.....
Chicken Chilli Basil Stirfry for Tony......
and this delightful Thai Coconut Rice
cooked by ME !!
We've been watching Jamie Oliver's 15 Minute meals so I though I'd give his recipe a try.
Easy peasy !
1 tin of coconut milk
1 tin ( same tin ) of rice
2 tins ( same tin) of water
Stir together in a large microwave container and cook for about 15 minutes.
We sat on our front porch ( hidden from view by the shrubbery ) and ate this feast
with a pleasant breeze and a glass of rose'
( How do you get the little accent in the right place? Do you have to own a French computer ????)
and some candles to give a little light.
Very pleasant indeed !
We're in for 37 C again tomorrow with fierce storms predicted for the afternoon.
Sounds like fun.


  1. Your evening sounds wonderful. We had an unusually hot summer here in the states, I hope your heat is just a temporary thing, but with heat and humidity does come with sever storms. Good luck and stay cool!!!

  2. I don't know what the temperature is here today but it's probably in single figures - a real dank, dismal and chilly November day! The idea of 37 degrees sounds a step too far though. Your meal sounds good.

  3. Perfection. I think that is what we call LEFT-OVERs here in the states. Great idea for the rice. Coconut is a good thing and good for you.

    Happy Weekend....

  4. That food looks absolutely delicious and I'm going to be making that coconut rice.
    W.A. is in for some similar weather to Queensland although they don't have the humidity thankfully.
    Stay cool.
    Anne xx

  5. I've been watching Jamie's 15 minute meals too, and tried a couple of recipes in the last week, both resounding successes. Wasn't it hot yesterday, yuck. I hope you didn't get much of that storm this morning. i see there are more storms coming through this afternoon.

  6. AltGr + e = é (well, it does on mine!)

  7. p.s. Alternatively, for all other oddities, load up 'Character Map', then just select, copy, and paste.

  8. You really had me going at first. I was going to comment that you're really classy for putting takeaway into actual dishes.

    Your version of takeaway looks brilliant.

    I must go suss out some of those 15 minute meals ...we are eating a lot of actual takeaway at the moment because I am avoiding the kitchen...

  9. Ha Shay! Sorry that was ambiguous when I reread it. The only thing I cooked was the rice!!! and yes I'm a classy gal !!!

  10. Ooh, that rice looks and sounds delicious!

  11. Yummy! That certainly looks good! Ros

  12. mean you just cooked the rice??? Time to work on the meat dishes methinks. By the way Helen, when I was last in Thailand my favourite dessert was fresh slices of juicy mango with coconut rice sweetened with palm sugar. And zero calories in every portion!

  13. In Word, click Insert, click Symbols, use'from ASCII (hex)'; there are lots of bits and pieces there. Good luck!

  14. I LOVE Thai curries, especially with Thai basil in them. Yummmm...!!!!
    I was going to say Bernard will know how to do accents and you don't need a French computer but I see you've been sorted. I am so glad my native tongue is not one that requires accents. I couldn't be bothered with that faff every time.
