Saturday, November 3, 2012


I have been working very hard at planning our overseas jaunt to France and Switzerland next year.
With the amazing resource of the Internet at my finger tips I have booked flights and reserved accommodation in apartments in four different locations.
The next thing on my list of "to dos" is to see if I can write, add photos and post to my blog using Tony's iPad.

If you can see this post I have been successful and I will be able to take you with me on my holiday.

Isn't technology wonderful ?

Edited from my laptop:
 OK, that worked alright don't you think? I just need to work on putting the photos in better.
The top photo came from the images already stored on the iPad and the second photo I just took using the iPad camera. My next mission will be to try to place the photos in amongst the text.
Advice from anyone out there with any expertise in this would be welcome. 


  1. I don't care how you do it. I'm just thrilled I will be getting to travel aboard again with you two. You both are my favorite travelers. Sorry, I've been away part of this year from blogland, but I had to get my health back. Glad to see you can keep up with my over in FB. As you know I'm not sitting still to well anymore, it was the doctors orders....

  2. Fab isn't it! I'm using my daughters iPad, I love it so am getting one for myself soon, I'm also in the process of booking accom to USA for next month, there is so much to choose from on the net !

  3. How exciting to be planning next year's holiday. I have only recently discovered what an iPad is and have never used one so have no expertise to share!!! But this post worked well. Will look forward to hearing more about your itinerary. Wish you were coming to UK too though.

  4. Oooh exciting. I love my iPad, but haven't blogged from it yet.

  5. You are clever. I have trouble getting my head round a laptop!
    Julie xxxxxx

  6. Hooray! Love going on trips away via the internet ;-) . I use an ipad, but it is the original mark 1 version and so doesn't take photos. It's also rather slow, so gets much more use when we are away, than at home. Ros

  7. You're doing better than I am. I still haven't worked up the guts to post from my Ipad!

    What did we do before the internet?

  8. Oh technology, without it we'd never be blogging friends, that's the blessing. The curse---when it doesn't work right!!!

  9. I love my i pad but havn't used it for blogging yet.Your trip sounds exciting.

  10. Download the free Blogger app in the iTunes store and away you go ! Only problem being it is formatted for phones but just touch the 2x at the bottom of the screen and it looks fine. I am sure the will upgrade to iPad size soon.

  11. Are the cuddly toys that Tony is holding the sort that move when you press their buttons? How many batteries do they take? By the way that picture was too big - you needed to reduce it to "Large" or even "Medium" within Blogger unless of course you simply copied and pasted it in. Best to retrieve photos from "Photographs" folder or "Downloads".

  12. Lol how do you upload to your blog from an ipad........I have no idea, mind you I have just got a new Apple laptop so I am figuring that out bit by bit.....but doing it from the ipad is a different story lol. So lessons please lol

  13. This time last year we were getting ready for our holiday to Australia.....where did 2012 go?

  14. Hi Helsie
    I can post from my ipad to my blog or others. So i will have a go trying to put the pics on . Many thanks.

  15. Thought I would look back at older posts. I look forward very much to following you around France and Switzerland - you lucky beggars!
