Thursday, September 13, 2012


It's ages since I've taken you on an outing. Life has been so busy with family commitments.

Last night we decided to go into the city for the Laser Light Show that is a part of the River Festival that happens every year at this time.
As usual we traveled by City Cat into town and were greeted by the lanterns all along the river shore.

They looked so pretty

just floating there above our heads.

There were lots of people there for a mid-week, school night

possibly because the weather was perfect although there was a cool breeze blowing off the water.

Of course we were there for the light show..... and so were an ever increasing number of families.

Tony set up his tripod and it wasn't long before the show began.

Set to music

 Sadly the display only lasted for about 10 minutes so we wandered off along the river looking for a nice spot to have dinner.

We finally settled on this one.
A glass of red wine, a lovely wood fired pizza, pleasant surroundings...

and good friends. What more could you ask for?
( sorry about the poor photo quality - via phone and Facebook )

Then it was back to the River Cat

past this unusual " sculpture".

A lovely night out.

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  1. Looks like great fun and so pretty. What are the lanterns for (other than light)? is there some significance?

  2. What an amazing evening, even by photo it looks superb. It must have been doubly so to be there in person.

  3. wow! fabulous. What a great night's entertainment.

  4. It's always a treat when you two take us out. But, we need to be home much early than you young spring chicks as the saying goes over here. Fabulous shots.

  5. Brisbane seems like a fun city. Thanks for another envy-making photo-story.

  6. My son and hubs are in Brisvegas, I wonder if they saw the show, its getting more crowded, we used to live in New Farm and would wander down to the river to watch, which was nice!

  7. Maybe next year, that looks great. The closest I've come to seeing it, walking across the Story Bridge on Sunday night and seeing the lasers in the sky. It was great but obviously not as good as being at Southbank.

  8. Reminds me if the laser show at Epcot. Only ten minutes what shame. Great photos enjoyed the show. We are stuck in traffic here at Hershey. Huge crowds coming for the weekend. We tried to go to Hershey Story Museum but no parking for RVs. Going back to campground for lunch now.

  9. What a nice night out. 10 minutes light show was a bit short I guess. It's not as if it would have been too expensive (like fireworks - which I love but appreciate the cost) to go on a little longer.
    I would have liked a pic of your dinner tho. I'm on an eating/ fasting thing at the moment and am enjoying food so much!

  10. Helsie, you and Tony never do things by halves! You really know how to enjoy yourselves and you seem to just get out and do and have fun. What a beautiful spectacle. What is the City Cat? An enormous ride-on inflatable cat? Knowing you, I think you would be up for that!
