Saturday, August 11, 2012


Today, I came upon a lovely poem on this fantastic blog and I couldn't resist reproducing it here because it rings so true.

I Have Found Such Joy in Simple Things

I have found such joy in simple things;

A plain clean room, a nut brown loaf of bread

A cup of milk, a kettle as it sings,

The shelter of a roof above my head,

And in a leaf-laced square along the floor,

Where yellow sunlight glimmers through a door.

I have found such joy in things that fill

My quiet days : a curtain's blowing grace,

A potted plant upon the window sill,

A rose , fresh cut and placed within a vase;

A table cleared, a lamp beside a chair,

And books I long have loved beside me there.

Oh, I have found such joys I wish I might
Tell every woman who goes seeking far
For some elusive, feverish delight
That very close to home the great joys are:
The elemental things -- old as the race,
Yet never, through the ages , commonplace. 
Grace Noll Crowell
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  1. Perfect! This resonates with me exactly! Thanks so much for sharing this Helsie. I'm going to stick it on my fridge. Life has been getting too complicated recently!

  2. "Tell every woman"... What about men? We also need to be reminded to find comfort and pleasure in the everyday and the ordinary...seeing and appreciating what is in front of our eyes.

  3. Indeed - tell the world about this not just women! It's lovely and I plan to copy it out and keep it somewhere where I can read it when I feel dissatisfied with anything!

  4. Sue from "The Quince Tree" suggested substituting "one" for "women" which I did at first...then felt guilty for altering it so I switched it back.

  5. Thats really lovely, the simple things that really can make your day! I still havent worked out an easy way to get those freaking photos off my ph!

  6. It certainly bears repeating. Lovely post :D

  7. I wondered why the name Grace Noll Crowell seemed so familiar. When I read about her here, I saw that she had once been named Poet Laureate of Texas (the state I lived in as a child).

  8. Ahhh... Yes, it can often be the simple, basic things that bring the greatest contentment.
