Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It's been rather quiet on the patchworking front around here.
Definitely time to learn a new skill.
Earlier in the year, as part of my quilting group,  I learnt to do an easy quilt-as-you-go design that cuts out the need to add quilting to your finished article.

Just make a few of these with wadding and backing all sewn in one, then join them together to make a quilt like this.

(Yes, I'm sure you can spot the mistake !!)

I'm fairly new to quilting and not so keen on traditional designs so I've never tried the Log Cabin block.
But when I saw a reversible-quilt-as-you-go-log cabin quilt I thought it was one I would like to learn.

But, oh dear, it has been a bit of a struggle.
All that matching,
Pinning through six layers and trying to sew through the layers without anything moving despite using my walking foot.

I can tell you that there was a pile of cotton at my feet from all the unpicking I had to do!
I'm aiming for a table centre piece consisting of four blocks.

So this is what I have managed so far.

Blue and white on one side to match the blue plates in my dining room....

and red Christmassy colours on the other side for a Christmas table decoration.

How clever is that ??? !!!
All you have to do is flip it over at Christmas time !

It's taken me the best part of today to finish one block !
Good thing I only need four !

And did you notice that bandaged finger?

and all that blood beneath the bandage ??
My those rotary cutters are sharp!

Also on the go, to keep me busy while I'm watching Masterchef  in the  evenings,

.... and keeping me warm on these very cold nights we've been having, is this granny rug.

I'm not at all happy with the colours as we don't have much choice of yarn colours locally.
It was supposed to go with Sally's quilt but the main light pink is too bright and lolly and the green is too green - needs to be a sort of aqua/green - so it looks like it will take up residence in my spare room and I'll have to chase up the right colours for another one for Sally elsewhere.

So there it is. I've got plenty to keep me busy.
I need to have four blocks finished by our September quilting session.
At the rate I manage I'll need all of that time !!

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  1. I have never tried a "quilt-as-you-go". Yours looks so bright and cheerful. Your reversible log cabin is great and I like that it will work for many occasions. It seems you have a lot to keep you busy.

  2. It looks great but do you have to get both pieces exactly the same? It all looks very complicated to me. I saw some beautiful quilts yesterday at the American Museum in Bath but the intricacy and patience that must have been required made me wonder how they ever managed to make one let alone several quilts.

  3. PS hope your finger isn't too painful and will be better soon!

  4. I love the ease of quilt as you go. You dont have to stick to squares either, I made squares, then cut them into heart shapes for applique.

  5. Very impressed!Hope the finger recovers soon.

  6. You have been busy! Love the two sided quilt! That is so practical . We tearing up our house again. I'm not happy with my craft area and want to set it up for both crafting and sewing. I need to make room for a cutting table. A dream I've had forever. Looking forward to seeing your quilt all finished.

  7. Quilting is something I have not tried as I don't think I have the patience so well done you!

  8. Im missing lots of finger bits from my rotary cutting forays. On average I run over my own finger once a month . Hope your quilting wound heals fast.

    You've been crazy busy. Love the strings and the blue log cabin block looks great!

  9. My skin went all tingly for you when you said about the blood and the rotary cutter!

    Although I agree it's not quite right for Sally's bedroom, I rather like the lichen green/ pink colour combination. Don't hide it TOO far away!

  10. Gorgeous quilt. I love quilt-as-you-go. I find it quite easy to work.
    Julie xxxxxxx
    PS It is suppose to be lucky if you make a mistake in hadworked things!!
