Monday, July 23, 2012


Yes, another  90th birthday party !!

This time it was my Mum's turn.

Here she is on the night of her birthday.
You'd never know she was 90 would you?

Her party was last Saturday night.

It was great to see lots of family and friends having a great time. 

and Mum was especially happy to have her grandchildren

and great grandchildren

there to celebrate with her.

Happy Birthday Mum
May you enjoy many more !

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  1. What's your Mum on 'cos I want some of whatever it is!! She certainly looks good for her age. Hope she enjoyed it all and will have many more. You must be getting used to 90th parties in your family?

  2. Frankly Jane, I'm a bit birthdayed out !!!

  3. How wonderful - to reach the grand old age of ninety and to still be able to look deep into the camera as if to say "Yes this is me and I'm still here!" And for your mum to have her family around her makes it all the more special...And I wish I wasn't an orphan.

  4. How lovely! The photos, the party, and her lovely face!
    My Mum died a long time ago, and far too young. So I have 'adopted' a lady who has become a dear friend. We have her 90th coming up next year!

  5. I agree, she does not look 90. She looks very well.
    I hope you all had fun. What a big crowd of you. Hope the food was good!
    There'll be a recipe for that potato bread on my blog tomorrow!
