Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Well , Winter has finally come to Brisbane.

For those of you who are not familiar with Australia in general and Queensland in particular Brisbane is the capital of the state that we call the Sunshine State here in OZ.

The Tropic of Capricorn runs right through Queensland right about along the top of the word "QUEENSLAND" on the map above, so you can see that a large amount to our state lies in the tropics.

Brisbane, where I live, is therefore sub tropical in climate
so when it is Winter in Brisbane you know you want to be here !

Blue skies,

cool, crisp mornings of around 12 degrees C

which soon turn to warm, sunny days of around 22 degrees C

and nights when you can snuggle down under your doona to escape the cold night air and 8 degree C temperatures.

No wonder the "grey nomads" fill our highways as they move north looking to escape the cold, wet Winters of the southern states.

Of course we think it's cold !

and wear scarves

and coats
and Ug boots!!!
(Well some of us do !)

It's my favourite time of year in Brissy.



  1. sounds very tempting as we have horrible grey wet weather here in England- and it's meant to be summer!

  2. Sounds rather like it is here at the moment where it is supposed to be summer except we have rain to add to the mix! Thanks for e-mail will reply later - glad all OK.

  3. Looks like today might be one of those days, yay, unlike the long weekend which was miserable, wet and cold.

  4. Even within the same country your idea of cold and my idea of cold differ hugely!

  5. What the hell is a doona? I'm guessing it's some kind of large furry marsupial called Tony.

  6. I wish we had temperatures like that now .. and it's almost summer here!!
    Reading your post about childrens' books reminds me of a vintage Ozzie book we bought a while ago .. Danny's Egg. I imagine you're familiar with that one? We loved it!

  7. It's cold enough for scarves here today in Foodyland. Bloomin' ridiculous. In your winter pics there are people in short sleeves! GRrr!

  8. We have had not too bad weather, certainly better than southern uk. The Jubilee weekend here was lovely but not so for the celebrations on the Thames. But this evening we have rain and quite strong winds.
    Brisbane is on our 'to do' list, fingers crossed.
