Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Yesterday I was rummaging around in my linen cupboard looking for a small tablecloth when I came upon this one.

I made it more than 40 years ago.
These gingham cloths were all the go in those days
and the cross stitch patterns embroidered on them were many and varied.
I remember seeing this one on a cloth owned by Tony's grandmother on my first visit to her home.

I went out and bought some material right away so I could try it out before I forgot it.

Sort of looks like lace from a distance don't you think?

It's had lots of use over the years and is getting shabby but I won't be throwing it away.

I may even do another one.
These old crafts seem to be disappearing don't they?

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  1. I don't have a tablecloth but do remember making an apron with that embroidery. I wonder if it is still in my linen closet? I also made two pillows which are still on my daughters' beds in their former room. All crafts seem to go in cycles so it may come back again.

  2. oh, what a beauty! awhile ago i posted a few pics of the same embroidery i know as chicken scratch ...

    it always looks lacy on any color gingham ... i like the subtlety of your combination!

  3. How lovely! People don't seem to use tablecloths these days do they which is a pity. I don't either or at least not often even though I have a drawer full of the things! Seeing that gingham reminded me of childhood, of school uniform dresses and of embroidery and sewing lessons - I seem to remember doing some kind of smocking (who does that any more?) using the squares as markers for the gathering. Happy days and reminders of a more tranquil time.

  4. I have never seen one like that Helsie, what neat work!

  5. Oh my did you pull at my heart strings today. Looking at your handiwork. When I was around 12, my mother was hospitalized with TB. She did so much of this type of stitching while she was recovering. Thank you for the memory!

  6. It does look like lace. How on earth do you do that? It's beautiful.
    We went to see lace being made in Normandy a few years ago. It looked so complicated, all these little spools speared out on the table.
