Sunday, May 27, 2012


My friend Yorkshire Pudding invited a group of blogging buddies to escape with him to the mythical land of Blogland.
He promised a veritable paradise awaited us there somewhere in the Andaman Sea.

But one by one, for a variety of reasons,  we all reneged.

With places like this in Australia I didn't need to leave my family and friends behind to find peace and tranquility.

All I had to do was visit Mum and Dad in lovely Hervey Bay on a cool (15C ) cloudy day in May

Not the temperature for playing around on the beach....

but perfect for a solitary walk along the sand.....

to watch the way the light played on the smoooooth water of the bay.

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  1. looks lovely! Hope your mum and dad are doing ok, its lovely weather for a stroll in the sun!

  2. Wow that looks amazing! Hope your parents are doing OK now?

  3. Beautiful! Looks like a wonderful plcce to relax and enjoy a good long leisurely walk.

  4. How serene and beautiful! I would love to take a walk like that one.

  5. Even on a 15 C day it looks inviting!

    We're so lucky to live in such a beautiful country.

  6. Yes but you've still got Julia Gizzard droning on Australian TV, Ricky Pontoon moaning about Aussie cricket and kangaroos breeding like there's no tomorrow. None of that in Blogland Edwina!
