Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ready (sob, sob)

If you are having trouble understanding what is going on visit

and all will become clear.



  1. I visited and Im still a little flummoxed...(but that might be because of that second photo of Tony with very little on in the way of clothes !)

  2. Just a fun make believe activity with friends from this blog escaping to a mythical paradise called Blogland.
    Photos taken many years ago when we were preparing to link up with rellies on a trip to Canada and Alaska. Clowning around as usual !!!

  3. Insane! But you admit the pictures were taken "Many years ago"! - so this is not evidence that you were really intending to make the trip to NON-MYTHICAL Blogland. How can it be mythical when I've just grazed my right knee while snorkelling over the reef? Later on today I shall go and check out your empty villa.

  4. You look a right pair of loonies! :D
    I visited Yorkshire Pudding and I saw there a reference to Tony's most annoying habits. What are these? (Except for paradiing around with next to nothing on)?

  5. I think we're to be neighbors on the island, I'm really looking forward to that. Are you going to be able to adapt to life above the equator? Or is it on the equator?

  6. i admit i was clueless ... and glad i read the above comments.

