Friday, March 9, 2012


This morning I was required to rise early ( for me ) and deliver the car to the garage to be serviced.
I had to be there by 7:30 so that meant that I set off by 7:00am  without breakfast.
Not even a cup of tea!!!

Luckily, not far down the road is a very pleasant cafe where I sat among the foliage, shaded from the hot sun and had a leisurely breakfast while I waited for the car.

and as I sat there reading my magazine after my breakfast of eggs benedict I puzzled over what I would write about for Favourite Things Friday.

Then inspiration hit me !

One of my favourite things EVER is

breakfast !!!

I like to start the day with some fruit:

rock melon

followed by my absolute favourite

poached are my favourite
with bacon or ham

or perhaps cooked in a bread cup.

and finished off with a cup of tea.

So there you have my contribution for FTF today.
Pop over to Shay's blog to read more favourite things
or even join in !

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  1. That's a wonderful breakfast. I hope you enjoyed the food and the setting. It sounds so relaxing.

  2. I thought to myself when I saw the pic 'Coffee/tea and water??!!' That doesn't look like a Helsie breakfast. Then I read on...
    Well I have never heard of rock melon. It all sounds so exoctic - all these fruits we don't get here, or not easily and affordably.
    I have never seen puffy poached eggs like those before!
    I LOVE avocado. It's great with bacon. I would murder that breakfast.
    And I do appreciate that Scottie mug! Hoots mon! Och aye the noo!
    Are you making baby clothes now?
    Sorry for such a long comment but there was a lot there to tickle my fancy.

  3. Gosh that breakfast sounds wonderful and would certainly set me up for the rest of the day! Hope the car was OK and no nasty surprises discovered?

  4. OOH yes I could enjoy all that, especially avocados, I am mad about them!

  5. Oooohhhhh yes! I love breakfast too ...especially when someone else cooks it!

    Im a big fan of avocado, bacon and eggs. It's like they were made for each other.

    Pancakes are good too...with a ton of butter and maple syrup.

    Those bread cups are so easy to do but look so impressive.

    This post made me so hungry....

  6. I'm glad I'm reading this early Sat. Morning. I'll be off now to cook something yummy for breakfast. Aren't we lucky we are able to have all these "exotic" fruits and they are very reasonably priced. Another good reason for living in QLD.

  7. Foody, you may know rock melon by the name cantaloupe and making baby clothes ?????

  8. Oh sorry Foody I just saw what you meant about the baby clothes !!!!!!
    Just a random page in the magazine when I took the photo !

  9. Glad I hadn't eaten yet .. think I'll make pancakes. NIce favorite!

  10. Random page? Baby clothes?
    I too spotted that and thought "A Granny to be" :)
    OK, So I'm wrong again. :(
    Anyway, what happened to Black Pudding? Or how about Kippers?
    And did you know, Smoked Haddock is a favourite English way to start the day.
    And if, like Foody, you are a -
    "Hoots mon! Och aye the noo!" type of person. :)
    How about - Porridge?

  11. Hesie and Bernard: Grandchildren did cross my mind too.
    Hmmm yes I quite like porridge, long as it has a mountain of sugar stirred into it. I'm not a traddie when it comes to porridge.
