Saturday, January 7, 2012


I was a little bit afraid when I went to seee this film.
I was worried that I would leave the theatre with mascara all over my face from crying!

But it wasn't like that at all.
 ( after all it is based on a children's book )

It showed the horrors of war without the graphic detail of Corporal Ryan
so that you could see the horrible, unimaginable conditions in the trenches of the Somme,
admire the bravery of very young men in a battle charge with fixed bayonettes
without confronting gory detail ...
( How glad am I that my son has not been involved in this type of horror.)

and woven into that is the story of a horse - and what a horse he is !

I thoroughly enjoyed it.
(and only cried a little bit !)

Here's the Trailer for you yo watch.



  1. I saw the trailer for this film when I last went to the cinema and like you thought it might be horribly gory so thanks for the review now I will try and get to see it! How come you get films before they are on general release here I wonder?

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've still not seen it at the theatre where it is supposed to be fantastic with an amazing horse puppet.

  3. Jane: Don't know why we get them earlier than you. Go and see it I'm sure you'll enjoy it ... and the English village scenes were filmed at Castle Combe, not far from you and probably the prettiest English village. We visited briefly in 2008. Lovely.
    Shevvy: I've been reading about the puppet horse. Would be great to see that!

  4. I dont know if I'll go see this one...sounds like a great movie to watch on DVD (I know I'll end up sobbing uncontrollably!)

  5. I have felt the same about this movie. We keep putting it off for that very reason. Now, I know I don't have any excuse not to see it. Plus, I think it would be best on the big screen. I hear the photography is amazing.

  6. Hello there! I haven't seen the film yet, but the book is fabulous. Michael Morpurgo is by far the best children's author on thr planet, in my humble opinion. I use his books a lot at school. Have a good week. Ros

  7. I read this yesterday, and it spurred me on to brave the theater and see the movie! We usually wait until it out on our cable providers OnDemand list. Well worth the trip this afternoon, though, and we enjoyed it. Thanks for the tip!!

  8. My horse friends all went to see this movie today, I declined because I'm fresh out of Kleenex and my face stays swollen and sloppy for hours after I've cried. Maybe I'll read the book first.
