Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I'm about to swing into frenzy mode.
The Oldies ( Mum and Dad ) are arriving today for the big birthday bash on Sunday.
This is when I start to panic about the amount of food I have worked out.
Will there be enough?
Is the cake big enough?
Will they drink much wine?  beer ? champagne ?
Does anyone ( except young people ) drink much alcohol in the middle of the day??

The table centre decorations are done   ... and quite pretty.

Blue and green are the colours of the serviettes I have purchased.

I'll feel better when I can start preparing the food.



  1. I like the table decorations. Good luck with the cooking. I'm sure all will go well. Enjoy!!

  2. Knowing you, Helen everything will be super - especially the food! Happy Birthday to your Dad - 90 is a wonderful achievement!

  3. I'm sure the birthday boy will love it whatever so don't fret too much. Knowing you I am sure everything will be fine and there will be plenty of food and so on and if not nobody will care as it is the friends and family all getting together to celebrate the birthday that is important. Happy Birthday to the main star of the show!

  4. As Marigold Jam says!
    Have a wonderful day
    Julie xxxxxx

  5. I'm sure you're right Jane and Julie so I'm not going to try not to stress too much and enjoy the party.

  6. Just popping in to say hi and hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  7. I'm sure everything will go beautifully and you'll have the right amount of food drinks and fun.

    I always feel stressed out about parties and special events too. Relax and enjoy yourself!
