Tuesday, January 24, 2012


One of the things on my "to do " list for this year ( number 8 in fact ) is to finish decorating my bedroom.
On my recent visits to my local shopping centre I've noticed lots of black and white photos of the Eifel Tower in the homeware stores and I really like them.

So off home I trotted to look at the photos we had taken on our visit to Paris, my favourite city in the world.

After a bit of fiddling using Picasa I have come up with these :

Black and white with a hint of blue.

We sent away to have them printed up as large as possible without being poster size - about 11inches  by 14 inches.

The top two have come back and look terrific and I purchased one plain white frame to see how it would look.

I'm absolutely thrilled with it.

I'm going a little French Provincial-ish and I think three of these above my bed will be terrific.
So we're off tomorrow to buy some matching frames and have the next two printed up.

On the outside wall with the window I have a lovely little item that my talented friend Lynnie made for me at Christmas.

It's made of buttons covered with pieces of material from my quilt.

Isn't that a cute idea?

So here we are at the end of January and I'm actually achieving something.
I'm on the way with number 8 and have accomplished number 2 ( learning to take movies with my phone ) !
I'm really pleased !
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  1. I love how the prints are turning out. And your own work. The frames are perfect. Can't wait until you post the finished project.

  2. loving the eiffel tower pictures. they really do look great.

  3. Fabulous. Love how you have the spot of blue sky to highlight the B/W. You do have the eye.

  4. Those photos are brilliant and what a great idea to have them enlarged and framed.I reckon you could go into business with those.

  5. Wow those are so effective, I'm really impressed and I'll probably steal your idea at some point!

    Great photo quality but the tiny bits of colour really add something, I love them.

  6. The photos look fabulous Helen, great idea. The buttons are lovely too.

  7. Wonderful! The images are just perfect with that hint of blue: they look 'retro' and nostalgic.

    And I really love the quilt button idea. A super idea for a toning-in picture in the bedroom. Super!

  8. Love what you have done with your photos! The hint of blue is lovely

  9. They look fabulous Helen. Paris is one of my favourite cities too. I have a great B&W/charcoal sketch of the Tower (that we bought from a street artist in Paris) above the computer desk.
    The covered button idea is fantastic - especially using quilt fabrics.

  10. PS... are you OK Helsie... not flooded out?

  11. Well done on the photographs, they look super. I have a nice on of me all by myself sitting on Sydney Opera House steps with the opera house just peeping over in the background, I now have it on my laptop as my a background. I like the button picture your friend made you.

  12. Glad to hear you are only soggy Helsie :-)

  13. Very nice prints. They enlarged nicely. You need to show us how they look when you get them all up.

  14. Lovely print of Paris, and I really lovel those buttons
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  15. The picture looks amazing and even better that it's one you took yourself. It looks better than anything you could have bought.

    And those buttons are cute-ness personified.

  16. Those are fantastic photos and I really like that buttons picture!
