Wednesday, November 23, 2011


After 23 days without rain we are very pleased to wake up to this.

(you can see the brown lawn in the background)

Not much rain but it has brought the temperature down a bit though the humidity is high.

A bit of sewing is being attempted here and on  my design wall ( spare bed !) a new quilt is taking shape.

The materials are coming together quite nicely.

I think it is looking pretty but there is quite a way to go as I need 110 squares for the main part of the quilt and 24 more for the pillow cases.

Better get back to it,
Oh wait, there's a documentary on TV about badgers right now so I'll settle down there to watch as I pin.


PS. Have you noticed that your photos no longer enlarge when you click on them? They are now displayed in a Lightbox line but don't enlarge. If you would like to hgo back to the old way here's a message from Jan at Wibbo's words :

" If your blog is hosted by Blogger, it's easy enough to switch Lightbox off and revert to Blogger's previous way of displaying images. From the Blogger dashboard, click on the Settings tab. From the Settings page, click on Formatting then cursor down to Show images with Lightbox, change the box alongside to read No. Click on Save Settings at the bottom of the page and you're done."

Thanks Jan, I've just changed mine back


  1. This is truly going to be stunning. I think the color could not be more precious. Glad to see you have a rainy day to stay inside on work on this.

    Finally, finish with all the trimming. All that is left is the turkey goes in tomorrow a.m. Your message had me in stitches giggling just at the right time. Why did we have to get all that silly china back then anyways. It really is nice now that the table is all set, but seriously. Here in the US, we put ourselves through all this and then go and do it all again at Christmas. It is nice to get together, but I'm the least "formal" in my family. But, I do have the wisest sense of humor. Enjoy your weekend, I'm guessing it will be pretty quiet in blogland. But, lots and lots of turkey pictures rolling in by Sat. I promise I won't do that to your all.


    P.S. I don't seem to have a problem at all with the new blogger format. In fact, I'm loving it a lot. Much faster. I did switch to Google Chrome and that improved all the problems I was having for months. Just a thought.

  2. We didnt get much rain up here on the sunny coast, but like you said at least its cooler! love the colours of the new quilt, it will be lovely!

  3. thanks for the tip about the photos... I haven't really noticed as I always click the middle mouse button to enlarge them in a new tab, but it's handy to know you can change the new display if you don't like it!

    The quilt looks like it is coming along nicely. I love that paisley fabric!

  4. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog yesterday it made me feel a lot.

    Beautiful quilt.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  5. Oklahoma had a big drought last summer, it's nice when it rains after it hasn't for a while.

    Your work in progress is beautiful. Great fabric selection.

    Thank you for the info on the viewing the photos. I wondered if there was a way to go back to the old way.

  6. Sorry I have been very behind on your blog.
    The quilt is beautiful.
    We were away last week and were saying 'Hooray for sun!'
    I do see your parched lawn though.

  7. This is going to be a lovely quilt Helen.
    I didn't know about this thank you.
    Good day I hope. Your lawn does look in a bad way. Going cold here, we had our first frost yesterday only slight.
    Love Suex

  8. It poured down here overnight. Saved me watering the lawn this weekend but I still need to give some attention to my poor neglected pot plants!

    I adore your new quilt. It's marvellous. Those are my kind of colours!

  9. Quilting and Queensland rain are all well and good but what about the badger documentary? Far more interesting.
