Wednesday, November 16, 2011


All photos today are from the internet.

Recently Australia's highest decorated serving soldier was received by the Queen at Buckingham Palace. It was not the first time Australian Army Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith has met the Queen.

As you can see from the picture Corporal Roberts-Smith is very tall.

Corporal Roberts-Smith received a Victoria Cross for his extreme bravery during an intense gun battle in Afghanistan's Shah Wali Kot region in October. He charged the enemy under heavy machine gun fire after realising his fellow soldiers were in danger.
Read the whole story here.

He is pictured here at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra where his Victoria Cross is on display with other VCs - would you look at those muscles !!! 

We are all very proud of this fine soldier.

PS. He is great on the battlefield. I wonder how he copes at home with his twin girls !!!



  1. That's a great post, Helsie, thanks for showing us. Soldiers so often don't get the recognition they deserve.

  2. I'm sure he will be a great papa. He is a hero in my eyes.

  3. Oh, how tall he is. Are all your men tall over there? It sure seems so. What an honor.

    Here's the thing.... I might just have to cast him in my Outlander movie. Not Jamie, but Bree hubbie, Roger.

    Wow, I just saw that arm TAT... is that as big over there as it is here.

  4. We have some fine servicemen and women representing Australia overseas. Lets hope they all get home safely, enough lives have been lost. Proud to be Australian !

  5. A wonderful tribute to one who deserves it. I'm thinking the job on the home-front is one of his more difficult ones!
