Saturday, October 8, 2011


I'm joining a linky party over on  Dawn's blog As Sweet as Cinnamon
The task is to explain how you came up with your blog name.

My explanation is very simple.....

When I discovered this wonderful world of blogging I was enthralled.
I couldn't stop cruising all these wonderful windows into people's lives.

I spent hours and hours at the computer ( and it was a pretty slow computer in those days ) and one day I was telling a friend about them, how interesting it was to peep into the daily lives of people all over the world, making new friends as you go.

She said, " Why don't you do it too? Other people might think it is interesting to see what your life is like here in Australia."

So there it is. What is happening in my world. Helsie is my family nickname.

and here's the photo from my first header.



  1. It's interesting to hear how people came up with their blog names isn't it? Glad you decided to join in as it has been extremely interesting to hear all about life on the other side of the world and even better to have met you!

  2. I'm seeing these posts pop up everywhere and I'm having so much fun reading about the history of people's blogs and blogging.

    I for one am very glad you gave it a go!

  3. Thanks Jane and Shay,
    I'mso glad I did too. I've "met" so many lovely people in this virtual world ... and even some face to face too (like Jane and Foody)!

  4. I'm glad too that you started your blog. It is really interesting hearing how people decide on their blog name.

  5. Your friend was right...and I have so enjoyed following the lives of so many wonderful people all over the world. Sometimes I hesitate to blog something for fear it's too mundane and ordinary, and then I remember that some of the best posts I've read have been from someone who thought the same thing and posted anyway! It's always interesting when you are reading something written by a friend...and that's what we've all become!

  6. I've always thought your blog name was intriguing! You never know from day to day what's going to be 'happening'.

  7. Hi Helsie, I enjoy reading about your life down under and maybe next time you come to England we will meet in Glastonbury!
    I'm afraid I am very boring, my last house was a cottage by a railway and when we moved to Glastonbury we bought a house on the side of a hill- not very imaginative!

  8. I remember that photo well, that's Lady Helen in the Scottish glen is it not!?

  9. Love your photo Helsie! You look so pretty. I'm glad you started to blog. I, too, find it so interesting to read about other bloggers' lives in other countries. It's a beautiful sunny day here and warm too. I love this time of the year.

  10. I have enjoyed reading your blog from the other side of the world.Perhaps on your next visit to the UK you might see your relatives in nearby Rhuddlan and we could meet up.

  11. God Bless you for coming into our lives. I actually remember see this first photo and join in your wonderful life over across the big pond. We started about the same week too. Hasn't this been a wonderful experience to share with other just how silly, crazy and fun retirement can be. And let's not forget that we get to travel with each other. I mean, you have taken me along to Paris, England and Scotland. And Tony is along to boot. You know how I love to poke a little fun at our hubbies.

  12. The first header picture shows you crouching in bracken with a deceptively innocent smile on your face but that doesn't disguise the fact that we should always try to wait until we find a public lavatory.

  13. Love your blog and love te name. Have a good week. Ros
