Thursday, October 20, 2011


There was so much to see at the quilt show I'm afraid I'm going to continue to tell you about it in two more episodes so if it is not your cup of tea zoom off for a cuppa but please come back another day.

From the quilty quilts we moved on to the fabric pictures - don't know the technical name but I'm sure you get my drift.

The people who make these are artists and extremely talented ones at that.

This is a prize winning specimen - Rainforest

and this one was in a special section titled "Seven Deadly Sins".
If you click on the photo to enlarge it you will see each cake labelled with a sin.
I especially love the humour of the sin of sloth !

Then I came upon the entries in this challenge.

I'm so sorry I didn't take more photos of the entries in this as it was soooo interesting but I'll explain just one set to you.

This is the beginning photo that only the first quilter saw.

...and this is the group.
The first one was an almost perfect replica of the photo - amazing ( sorry I did not get much of it in the photo)
Below are the quilter's words to explain their quilt progression:
Quilt 2

Quilt 3

Quilt 4

Quilt 5

I'm so sorry I didn't take better photos of this as it was really interesting. Put it down to the fact that it was late in the day and I was on sensory overload from all the wonderful work by then .

The next photo is a quilt from another progression from the original bike which veered towards France and the Tour de France.

It was stunningly clever as these close-ups will show you..

OK that's your bit for today.

Tomorrow's final installment is called "Essence of Australia" and deserves a post all to itself.

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  1. quilting is not my think but I've enjoyed your quilt show posts anyway! I can appreciate that work that went into them and the ones in your last post had some great shapes and colours! The Tour de France one is fantastic, I bet it took a good few hours to complete!

  2. I love the "whisper challenge". From bicycles to butterflies is a pretty cool path. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I thought the first one was a photo. And those bikers it just too cute. Amazing quilts. I can't wait to see our next episode.

  4. I really, really, really love that first quilt - brillant
