Friday, October 14, 2011



I know I'm late for Favourite Things Friday.
Surely it's still Friday somewhere in the world?

Click here for one of my favourite things.

It is an Australian Magpie doing what they do best.
It's a sound that you can hear anywhere in Australia wherever there are trees and birds.

Now that nesting season is finally over in our neck of the woods the male birds have stopped attacking all who venture into their territory as I explained in this post previously.

 They have gone back to minding their own business and filling the air with their lovely carolling.
I bet that sound will make Aussies living overseas just a little bit homesick!


PS.     1. The noise in the background of the Youtube clip is mainly Lorikeets screeching.
2. All the photos today are from the Internet                                                    


  1. You're IS still Friday here on the East Coast of the US! So you are right on time. Amazing bird; I would love to travel to your part of the world ... maybe someday. Really enjoyed this post!

  2. It's still Friday here and in fact we just finished dinner and are settling in for a little T.V. time. Are we not boring? Friday night and we are in are jammies already at 7pm watching the boob tube.

    Now about those magpie, they look scarey and quite Halloween-ie. Do you all have Halloween over there or is it a total American thing. By the way, it really is not a favorite of mine. I love all the FALL colors and stuff, but not the witches and scarey stuff.

    Any who... have a wonderful weekend, my friend and of course, big squeezes to Tony, too....

  3. It's still Friday here, so you are right on time!

  4. That sounds like my place, although the magpies don't sit on the railing, they have a healthy respect for my furry friends!

  5. An absolute favourite of mine too Helen. I love their warbling especially in the early's home to me. They only misbehave for a short time each year and they being good parents.

  6. What a great sound the make, very different to our magpies!

  7. Not keen on magpies over here. Fortunately they don't attack people but they do terrorise and steal baby birds for lunch!
    Happy weekend.

  8. To Garden Bell, xxx. Have a good weekend my friend !!

  9. Living in the foothills we get a ton of magpies that come daily to congregate on our front lawn. I love magpies too. Their morning song is really lovely to listen to!

  10. Magpies are very common round here. I haven't heard of them coming that close to people though.
