Monday, August 15, 2011


On our recent holiday to England we were introduced to a new ingredient ( for us !)

red cabbage !

Now I know for a lot of you there is nothing new about red cabbage

and to be honest this was not the first time we had tasted it.
We had come across it once or twice before and it's there in the shops.
Just not a vegetable that we knew and liked.
However nearly every meal we ate when visiting pubs in England included red cabbage.
(Ragleth Inn, Little Stretten )

It was prepared in lots of different ways - all delicious!
Sometimes there was green cabbage too!

We soon decided that we liked it very much so it was on the "to do" list when we came home.

But time has flown by and the red cabbage was forgotten as we fell back into routine as you do.
Then last week at the market I spied a red cabbage and added it to the shopping bag.

I searched the internet for recipes and found a couple that looked good ( and not too complicated) so last night I gave the first one a try.

It was delicious !

Tony's dinner last night - pork cutlet cooked on the BBQ !

Here's the recipe I used:

1 medium head red cabbage, thinly sliced (about 2-1/2 pounds)
1/2 cup apple cider or  orange juice
1-1/2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup currant jelly or orange marmalade jam
( I used the orange juice and marmalade jam option as that was what I had on hand )
Preparation ~
Add the cabbage to a 4 to 5 quart pot, pour in the juice, add the salt and toss to combine. Cook over a medium high heat, stirring occasionally, until the cabbage has wilted, about 15 minutes. Add the butter and marmalade and continue cooking, stirring every 2 to 3 minutes, for about 20 minutes more.
Makes about 4 to 5 cups (8 servings)

There is lots left over for tonight.... and tomorrow...... and perhaps tomorrow !

I'm going to taste it and see what it's like cold too.


(Some photos today from the web)


  1. We love it...cooked as well as raw in salads and slaws. And if I had never, ever tasted it...I'd try it after seeing your photos today! Love the photo of the sliced head, especially.

  2. Good for you for trying a new vegetable. I love red cabbage especially when making coleslaw. I love the colours mix of green and red cabbage, grated carrot, finely diced red capsicum and a few other bits and pieces. Thanks for sharing the recipe,
    Anne xx

  3. This sounds pretty good (and that's coming from a non vegie eater) I cant promise I'll try it - but I'll definitely consider it.

    Isn't it interesting that certain vegetables are much more popular in one place than another.

  4. I eat it all the year round. :)
    But not fresh, you see.
    It is 'Pickled Red Cabbage'.
    Delicious with cold meats.

  5. If you freeze what is left over it will be even better when you re heat it.

  6. we love pickled red cabbage with hot pot!

  7. I agree that done well red cabbage is delicious. In fact all cabbage is lovely - a much under-rated and very healthy vegetable.

  8. MMMMmmm!!!.... It's popular at Christmas time with spices in it and sultanas or cranberries. That pork dinner looks fantastic. What's the brown smooth thing on the right of the plate?
    The cross section of cabbage is most attractive.

  9. Now I am completely in the mood for some red cabbage. I had some the other night cut into a fresh garden salad, it's really lovely in a salad when sliced thinly.

  10. Foody: The triangular orangy-brown vegetable is .... pumpkin ! It's a vegetable that's never missing from our plate.. the same goes for potato. We love the variety called Kent because it is so sweet.
