Friday, July 22, 2011


Phew! I almost didn't make it to FTF.
If you'd like to join in click on the button on my sidebar and pay a visit to the wonderful Mrs P of Quilting in My Pyjamas.


On our recent holiday in England we were introduced to Car Boot Sales.

(photo from internet)

Now I guess there are Car Boot Sales here in Oz but I have never been to one.
Flea Markets, yes  but Car Boot Sales, no......

and I guess they are fairly similar.

(photo from internet)

People load up all their unwanted stuff and take it all along to a field where they set up a stall and sell it from their car boot ( or a tresle table they have brought from home).

(photo from internet)
I guess the main difference in England is due to population - more sellers and more customers
and more stuff !
So here are the little gems we bought at the car boot .

Tony bought this dear little silver plated cream jug for a pound ( about A$1.50 ).
 It has a hallmark too !

I couldn't resist this little blue plate for my collection - it was 50p ( A75c)!
It has an English cottage scene in the centre.(click on the photo to enlarge it )

It looks quite at home there with the others.

Then there was this lovely pattern book for knitted toys.

I paid a pound for it too!
Back here I have been trying to find this book and I had previously tracked one down at a second hand book shop for A$10.

I'll put it aside for when I have grandchildren.

So there you have it.
 Car Boot Sales - a fun outing on the weekend.
( and you never know what treasures you might find!
( Anyone watch Bargain Hunt on the tele?)



  1. Yes they do have them here, one of the local high schools has one every year, not that I have ever been to one. Look like lots of goodies there though.

  2. Glad you found some treasures Helen! I have been to a few and have sold at one or two as well though I didn't find it worth the effort and would rather give to charity shops these days! You are getting ahead of things with that toy book aren't you?!

  3. Yes they are an excellent place for bargains.....but, they have gone a bit downhill around these parts with loads and loads of old clothes and worn-out childrens toys. Years ago I got good stuff as you did this time. I guess it depends on which part of the country the boot is held in.
    Lucky you. :)

  4. I'm glad you found such nice things to take home and I look forward to seeing your knitted toys, which means I hope you do get grandchildren!

  5. It's disgraceful what has happened to English car boot sales. Time was you could only buy old cars and old boots, now you can get just about anything! By the way, did Jean Greenhowe base her back cover design on you and Tony? It's just that I see an uncanny resemblance.

  6. I've never heard of Car Boot Sales. Looks like you and Tony made out well.

  7. Im putting my hand up to confess I do watch Bargain Hunt. Antiques Roadshow is also a favourite.

    Car boot sales appeal to my sense of getting something gorgeous for a cheap price. I love your cream jug and wouldn't have been able to pass that by either...

    I wonder if we have garage sales instead of car boot sales here?

    Loved looking at your finds for FTF.

  8. Great findings....never heard of a car boot sale..sounds like fun though!

  9. We do have them here, but they are rare. You picked up some great bargains didn't you. Lucky you.
    I don't watch Bargain Hunt but do watch Antiques Roadshow occasionally.

  10. Another reason to go to England .. someone else explained the car boot sales to me before and they look like so much fun. What an adventure and such great finds!

  11. I have always wondered what they would be like and would love it if we had them here. Love all your loot and your china is lovely.

  12. Some of the schools around here have them for fundraisers once a year, but not like the English ones.
    Lots of lovely treasures you got there.

  13. In the U.S., some churches do a twist on Car Boot Sales at Halloween for children, calling it "Trunk or Treat" (Trunk is the American word corresponding to Boot) in their car parks. It replaces the traditional "Trick or Treat" that happens door-to-door and is meant to make the children's lives a little safer in today's world of mean people and unsafe neighborhoods.
