Wednesday, June 22, 2011


After we collected the dogs' beds from Sally's place and stowed them into the boot of the car we set off for the Broadwater.

This is an area of calm water behind the surf beach where the Nerang River empties itself into the Pacific Ocean.

(photo from the internet)

The large area of calm water here creates a huge water playground for all those who love boats and boating.

(photo from the internet)

The high rise accommodation of Surfers' Paradise tower in the distance.

We crossed the bridge over the river mouth ( you can see it in the second photo ) and headed over to the area called Marina Mirage to have a look at the boats.

This resort area has up-market shopping for the wealthy in a very ritzy shopping centre with lots of lovely cafes and restaurants .....

and outside were the boats moored in the marina.

And oh what boats they were! This one is for sale ...

... for $6 million !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The whole area was jam packed with sleek , shiny boats of all descriptions.

Nearby there was plenty of expensive accommodation

Not really our style ( or in our price range for that matter !)

so we headed off for lunch at this more modest little cafe...

then headed off home.



  1. So did you buy the boat?! It's all lovely but don't you sometimes feel that it is all a bit removed from reality or is that just my sour grapes manifesting itself as I know I will never be able to live that sort of life?!!! Glad you had a good day anyway and you winter weather looks to be better than our summer at the moment.

  2. You could have bought two Helen!!!!! One each.
    I like going to the Gold Coast to visit, not sure i'd want to live there though.

  3. What overwhelms me, is all that BLUE!!
    It's Glastonbury festival week and as you said, it wouldn't be the same without the rain, although it's been raining all month here in England.

  4. the gold coast, hmm, i like the serenity of the sunshine coast, ahh the serenity! Looks like you had a nice time!

  5. Everything just looks soooo hhuuuuuge! I heard on the radio today that a new bar has opened iin Brisbane that will hold 7,000 drinkers. 'S that where you will be tonight? Hee hee! I think probably not.

  6. I've been there! Twice. I loved it for a holiday but I've often wondered what it must be like to live there , particularly during schoolies week.

  7. Beautiful place. Love all the blue, blue water!
