Thursday, June 2, 2011


      I guess that you can guess immediately where this is.
Yes, we were having a day out in London, one of my all time favourite cities.
There is always lots to see and do.

We were keen to revisit Westminster Abbey .....

.. and so were lots of other people !!
It was the weekend of the major soccer final and London was full of Spanish people over here to support their team from Barcelona.

Such a beautiful building ...

.. inside as well as outside ...

Recently the world watched as William and Kate walk through here.

Sometimes this ancient mosiac floor is covered with carpet to protect it but we were lucky enough to see it uncovered.

and just look at the delicate work on the ceiling.

The best thing about English churches is the history that is stored in them and this church has amazing history everywhere you look.
Former kings and queens, scientists and poets, heros and ordinary men and women have all found a final resting place here.
It showcases Britain's greatest strength - maintaining the link between their past and the future.

We moved on to Royal Albert Hall.
I was very keen to tour this magnificent building so I dragged Tony along.

We bought tickets for the final tour of the day
then went to the cafe for a snack while we waited for it to start.

A cream tea- Royal Albert Hall style !

I'm sorry to say we weren't allowed to take photos inside but it was fabuluous.
If you are ever in London I really recommend you visit.
They were preparing for a concert by Eric Clapton and we were even allowed into the box beside the Royal Box to see where the royal family sit when they attend performances.

Tony loved it too.
 We've promised ourselves that one day we will attend a performance here.

Across the road in Hyde Park is the memorial to Prince Albert, beloved husband of Queen Victoria.

(Have you seen the film "The Young Victoria" ? - I loved it!)

From there we set off across Hyde Park

It was looking beautiful with its huge trees and lawns.

...and cheeky squirrels. 

We were heading for Paddington.....

and a fantastic Indian restaurant that we visit every time we are in London.
(don't we sound sooo cosmopoliton ?)

Then it was off home to our little cottage in Great Missenden.

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  1. You obviously enjoyed your day in London - I must admit I have never done the tour of the Albert Hall although I did go there once in my teens when I attended a national "do" for the Methodist youth clubs of which I was a member not that I remember much about it as that would have been about 50 years ago! Must try and go sometime.

    That cream tea looks big enough to set you up for the day - did you manage all 3 scones?

  2. Oh Jane go and do a tour of Royal Albert Hall . It is lovely inside.... and the cream tea was actually very tiny scones ( about an inch and a half in diameter). Tony and I shared!!

  3. It's my first time commenting on my blog, hope you don't mind.
    I was just in London for the second time about a week and a half ago? Really enjoyed the museum/art scene the second time around. I love living in France though, culturally. Although, London is an amazing city in the same sense that you mentioned: So much to see and do. Did you make it to any of the museums. The British museum was amazing!

    Dakota :)

  4. I must sit down and have a good nosey at your blog - all your Emgland posts look great. I live here and haven't been to the places you are blogging, though they are all on my 'to do' list when time/money permits (one day, hopfeully!).

    I just came by to see if you have been scavenging this month, but it looks like you have been to busy travelling!

  5. One or two of the photos are slanted. Had you two been tippling tinnies of Fosters again down at Earl's Court? You certainly do sound "cosmopolitan". Why, you don't even wear those bush hats with dangling corks to keep the flies away!

  6. That looks a very full day of sight seeing. Beautiful photos. Thanks again for sharing. I've really enjoyed all your travel blogs this month.

  7. It looks like you had a wonderful time in London. The weather looks pretty good too. You certainly squeezed a lot into your holiday.
