Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hello  Everybody, it's Friday
and for once I'm ready to join Mrs Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.

I've really slackened off with FTF posts.
Just not prepared and inspiration wouldn't come..
but not today!

On my recent trip to England I was very previliged to be invited to meet up with a some blogging friends.
Unfortunately we were not able to meet everyone but we did manage to meet up with two: -

The lovely Jane from Marigold Jam and her husband met us for dinner at a delightful pub, the Rose and Crown, tucked away in Trent in the Dorset countryside.

We chatted non-stop for a delightful couple of hours over the most delicious of dinners as though we had known eachother for years.

Jane came armed with loads of pamphlets of places to go while in her neck of the woods - much appreciated and many recommendations were followed and enjoyed.

Later in the holiday Foody of Singing Chicken fame and her husband drove a great distance to spend the day with us in Ludlow.
Now, Foody is an anonymous blogger. No-one knows her real name or where she lives so I was very surprised when I found an email from her suggesting a meeting.
It began " You don't know me but I'm Foody...... !"

I was delighted and honoured to be one of the only people who knows who Foody is !!! ( and I'm not about to tell !)

We had a delightful day exploring Ludlow and had a lovely Sunday lunch here.

This the famous Feathers, a really ancient pub.
So pretty from the outside but not so well preserved inside.

Before lunch we strolled through the market stalls

Foody presented me with these dear little egg warmers.

They have now taken up residence with my teapot collection for all to see.

All of this long winded explanation is to tell you that my favourite thing today is........

my Blogland friends !

All of you

whether I've met you in person ....

or just communicated with you through your blog or mine.

I value your blogland friendship and enjoy peeking into your life,
sharing your ups and downs,
your thoughts on life,
your holidays,
your families
and your delicious recipes too.



  1. What a wonderful post. I hope that one day I will get to meet some of my blogland friends, but even if I don't I enjoy "meeting" everyone on line. I love the pictures from England .. the places there are so cute or quaint or something ... I'd love to go one day.

  2. Iv'e been dying to see these famous 'egg cosys'.
    A little bird told me they were going to be a surprise for you. Glad you liked them and they go well with the teapots. I've been trying to get a glimpse of this elusive 'chicken' for two and a half years now. They are very shy birds and it must take a lot of skill to temp them out into the open. You obviously have just the right quiet and gentle nature to succeed. :)

  3. The pleasure was all ours I can assure you! It was lovely to meet up with you and I am looking forward to your next trip over!

  4. Blogland is a wonderful place isnt' it.

  5. So glad to hear you had a wonderful trip.

    The more I "meet" people in blogland, the more I realize how alike we all really are!

    love the egg warmers :)

  6. I love this too. I've only met one fellow blogger (our hostess with the mostest) but I think if I won the lottery I'd fly around and meet more of us.

  7. Great post! It was nice to hear some bit about your trip. I'm glad you had a fun time meeting fellow bloggers.

  8. I've met a few "Blog People" and without exception they have all been utterly lovely! It's such fun to share our lives in this way isnt it? I agree whole heartedly with your sentiments . What a wonderful FTF !

  9. A great FTF, yes "meeting" fellow Bloglanders has been a highlight of the last year or so. I too have only met one in person, our hostess with the mostest, that's a great description, Sara.
    I'm so pleased you had such a wonderful time and were able to meet two lovely friends while you were away. I loves seeing all your photos of your travels too.

  10. Blogger buddies are the absolute best! I've not yet had the opportunity to meet anyone face to face, but it's something to look forward too. Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing so much of your trip to England, the photos were all wonderful!

  11. That is a wonderful FTF, I agree all our blogging buddies are the best. Its like I have heaps of penpals only the connection is instant and we see photos without waiting as well....Perfect. Your holiday looks like it was fabulous too :-)

  12. Aw, what a nice warm, friendly post! Thank you!
    Yours is one of the blogs I can comment on just now. I can't on Bernard's - well not without a lot of difficulty so Bernard, pleeease don't be upset if you see I've been here and not to yours. Yours doesn't offer the name options that others do.
    Well now you know I am not Kate Middleton, Helsie. Cos you thought that once, didn't you?

  13. I'm having lots of trouble commenting! Even on my own it's so annoying. I'm really pleased you had a good time Helen. As to your question no I'm not fed up with crocheting at all Helen. I still enjoy doing the blankets a lot. Each one is so different. It gives me something to do on an evening. Thanks for your comments once again. Hugs Sue x

  14. What... lunch with some of our blog friends. Next time, let me know... as you know The G.B. can fly too....and I would have flitted right over there to join in the fun. What a great way to spend the day.

    Sweet Helen, you must know I do have a wild imagination. I probably make the teacher in your cringe and thankful for the day you left the schools and all us wild minded kids, to join a much more peace life journeying through the English Country side or winding the roads of a Monet France. Do tell what have you and the Ton's got up your sleeve for traveling next. I, for one, can't wait till we go again.

    Too Infinity and Beyond,

  15. What a great experience for you. It's great to actually meet your blog friends face to face. Wonderful photos...I loved the "Feathers" shame it's not better looked after. Thanks for sharing.
