Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hellooooooo folks.
I've certainly missed my little chat with you each day. 
I've been visiting you when I could and Tony's been sharing his computer with me a little but I've had to forgo leaving comments.

my computer is now fixed and, after a lot of frustrating re-installing, all is well.

I must say less computer time has meant I have been busy elsewhere.

I am now working on my third quilt. 
It will be going to the same house as the last quilt so it is in similar colours. 
But I've had trouble with it.

At first I chose only  two materials. I thought it would look nice in a diagonal pattern but no!
How boring is this ?

Drastic measures were needed to make it look better so I tried this.....

and this

but it was still a bit dull.

Off to the fabric shop I hurried and I came up with


blue border around the brown

and this......

brown border around the blue.

Then I joined them together with a bit of darker brown and this is the result so far.

I think it looks OK.

There is just a border of the dark brown to go all around the edge and then it's finished.

What do you think?


PS.  It's sooo good to be back !!


  1. Wow! You have done well there. It's obvious less blogging means more time for other things! Have missed you and hoped you'd be back before too long. Not long now till your holiday is it? Today is a fabulous sunshiny spring day and mild too so hope we can produce something similar for your visit to our neck of the woods!


  2. Glad you are back. Computers problems are no fun at all.

    I like what you've come up with for the brown and blue quilt. The dark brown border should set everything off really well.

  3. Oh yes, that is very good Helen. Adding that 3rd colour makes such a difference!
    Nice work.

  4. It looks lovely. None of the designs looked boring to me!

  5. I have just read your comment on Bernard's post about 3-wheeler cars. We have a programme here called 'Mr. Bean'. Maybe you know of it. Rowan Atkinson is Mr. Bean. There's a very funny one when he is in a 3-wheeler. If you enjoyed the Top Gear episode, you'll enjoy Mr. Bean. It might be the one when he is in a multi-storey car park and I hope it's on YouTube.

  6. The darker brown makes such a difference...it has come alive!

  7. You did the right thing, the extra colours and layout add a bit more zing to the quilt.
    The big question is did you enjoy designing it as you went or do you prefer to have a fixed plan up front?

  8. Do you prefer sewing to knitting or crocheting Helen? A lady of many talents.
    Thanks for your comments on 'Mrs Twins'.
    I know for a fact the 'Sunshine Blankets' are talking points. I had a lady (a daughter of one of the Elderly Residents) phone me to say how much her MOther liked the Blanket and what a talking point it is. She even hangs the two butterflies from her zimmer frame. I know they all go to wonderful homes. Never stops talking about it apparently.
    I'm so pleased your computer is sorted, what would we do with out them!
    Take care , hugs suex

  9. It's great to have you back!

    I love the final layout. Those extra colours gave it the ooomph it needed. Carry on!

  10. Lovely to see you back again. Your new quilt is looking great. I think you're right, it just needed a little extra 'something'. The dark brown gives it just the lift it needs. I'd love to be able to make such beautiful quilts. Look forward to seeing the end product. Ros

  11. This always amazes me...how you can put these pieces together and make something beautiful from them takes more patience that I have. I loved the first arrangement, so I guess that shows you I'm not a quilter!

  12. I love it Helsie, its going to be marvellous! I still haven't tried to quilting, are you a machine quilter or a hand sewn quilter? x

  13. Spectacular! Someday I'll have time to get back to quilting. I miss it!
