Thursday, March 3, 2011


Well here we are at Friday again.
The weeks are really speeding by aren't they?
We are having such a spell of horribly hot and humid weather here at the moment I can't wait for the cooler  weather to arrive.
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It's ages since I joined in with Mrs Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday - mainly because of lack of inspiration - but this week I thought I would share this with you:

It is artwork ? of a kind and is hanging on my family room wall.
It was purchased at The Rocks' Markets in Sydney when we were down there visiting Brett some time ago.

It represents Ned Kelly (born in June 1855 ), a very well known Bushranger and folk hero in Australia who wore a suit of armour when he came up against the police in a big gun battle / show down.
You can read more about Ned here. )

The helmet looks a bit like wearing a bucket on your head to me but it did its job and protected his head so he was finally felled by shooting him in the leg!!

 He was later hanged in Melbourne gaol in 1880.

This is a photo of the real armour.

 (The Kelly armour c1879. Courtesy State Library of Victoria )

The shape is quite iconic and easily recognisable to Aussies.

Tony is very keen on bushranger stories ( and westerns - surprise, surprise !!) so of course when he saw it we had to buy it.

It is actually ceramic with a metallic looking glaze.
I like it too.

I think it is quite unusual and looks good there on the wall.

So this week it is my favourite thing.



  1. It is a wall ornament to be proud of. However, given Kelly's ruthless and murderous activities, I find it impossible to understand how he could be described as a "folk hero". He was a nasty, self-interested bully, thief and killer. Sheffield has a similar "folk hero" called Charles Peace - put on a pedestal by 19th century publishers out to make a fast buck - but essentially Peace was also just a bad man.

  2. You know. I actually think it works. What a fun piece. And I do adore all the history you are teaching us.

    But, about the weeks going fast. Hold your tongue. We are moving at a snails pace here in the winters of the midwest.

    Oh, and by the way, what was I to do with Scooter home all day but make him go out on a blog photo shoot. He almost ended up in RED with my garden bonnet. It really would have been so much easier. He just doesn't see what I see through the lens. Yes, there was a little bickering involved. And yes, there were quite a few rejects today.

    The Bell must go to bed now, I'm beyond tired.


  3. I'm always drawn to interesting wall art like that. I think it's really cool. Interesting story of Ned Kelly, which I didn't know about.

  4. Fantastic piece of art, and iconically australian. Love it.

  5. Very cool wall art. thanks for sharing and for telling the history too. So interesting.

  6. Certainly something iconic and different. Tony and my husband will be able to talk Westerns if/when we meet up as D is keen on Westerns too. Give you and me chance to chat about other things. Thought of you yesterday when walking at Eype and there are other lovely walks nearby including one through a bluebell wood which comes out onto the clifftops there which might be good during your stay.


  7. I thought it looked like a little suit of armour as soon as I saw it.
    Your kitchen looks very posh!

  8. Gee whiz Yorkshire Pudd, you are a little harsh, all Ned did was kill a couple of cops! His family was good Irish bloodstock who copped a lot of unfair harassment by the English. Give poor old Ned a bit of slack !

  9. Helen - I love your kitchen! You have really great taste. I also love the quilt you revealed in the next post!

    But, back to the piece of art - I love it. I love how you're still a teacher at heart! I can't wait to read about Ned Kelly.

    Thanks for sharing -

  10. Only in Australia do you have fun creatures like him! Here in Canada we are pretty bland I think. I must search for someone fun!
    Love, love the art piece, but honestly it fits so well with your fabulous kitchen and I am imagining the rest of your decor!

  11. Too right that's recognisable to us Aussies. As soon as I saw it I shouted out "It's Ned's armour by crikey!"

    Helen you have a real flair for decorating- you have some ecletic and unusual pieces but they always add interest and always look really good!

    This was a great favourite thing!

  12. What an interesting piece of artwork, Helen; and such a fabulous story too. I can't wait to read more about this Ned Kelly. He sounds akin to our Jesse James. Thanks for sharing. Happy FTF! :o)

  13. Very cool. Sounds like Mr. Kelly was quite an unusual guy.

  14. I was busy looking past your artwork as your lovely kitchen! LOL
    Your quite is beautiful Helen, such a triumph.
