Sunday, February 20, 2011


This morning as I lay in bed and contemplated rising for another hot, hot day ....
I looked up at the ceiling and this is what I saw.

Quite different to what most of my fellow bloggers in the Northern Hemisphere see on their ceilings!
( the round thing is the air-con inlet).

February is living up to its reputation as the hottest, most unpleasant month of the year here
and life would be very difficult indeed without these mod cons
- air conditioning and fans .

All this made me think about how different our houses are too.

Ours are built to cope with the heat -

lots of big windows -shutters and blinds to keep out the sun,

 open  plan rooms which flow from one to the other without doors  or walls in some cases to promote airflow.

and walls in neutral colours to make you feel cool.

There's nothing cosy about our homes.
We don't want cosy - We want cool !

After two days of 35C plus we have just had a HUGE thunderstorm

and 70mm of rain in half an hour !!

Oh, oh the next line of storms is rolling in.

I'm off to unplug all the electrical stuff again .



  1. You have a lovely house - at the moment I would like to be warm!
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. Lovely house you have there Helen! Reminds me of when we lived in France and we Brits would fling wide the shutters to let the sun in whereas the French closed them to keep it out!! Must admit I prefer living where cosy is our aim and not somewhere hot like you!! Hope you survie the heat and worse the humidity and at least you can look forward to your holiday here in England soon!

    Jane x

  3. Once again I see my typing errors AFTER I have clicked on Post Comment and not before!

  4. The same here Helen, but the storm only dumped 10mm of rain this time, at least it's much cooler now, although the house hasn't cooled much yet. I'm not sure whether we will get that second lot of storms this evening.
    I'd love to show pics of my house but it's not lovely and tidy like yours!

  5. I hear it's been very humid up your way the last few days. Maybe these thunder storms will bring some relief. It's been a weird summer this year ...

    Helen your house is just lovely.

  6. A little heat sound pretty good to me right now. More snow on the way today.
    But, what I really want to know. Is your chair {barko lounger} the one on the left or the one on the right. Great kitchen.

  7. You have a beautiful home. I'm not sure how you build a house for our climate, where it can be -33 C in the winter and 43 C in the summer.

  8. Your home is beautiful and very tidy!! We have no white walls but then as we have more cold than hot I guess we aim for cosy. This morning it is -31C but there is a beautiful sunrise. It will be a high of -13C today but sunny and clear. We might get a few +30 days in the summer.

  9. Glad I had done the housework before you took those photos !

  10. Your home is beautiful Helen! I love white kitchens (although I've never had one). You should show more pictures of yours. I like open floor plans like yours. Sorry it's so hot down there for you. We had two days of unseasonable warm weather and now it is cold again here. It's so dark outside today...rain is coming. I think we are suppose to get snow showers tomorrow. Thanks for sharing the photos of your home. The shades remind me of Florida homes.

  11. It's the same in Bangkok. Where English people retreat to their homes for warmth, Thais retreat there for air conditioned coolness - unless they're living in shanty towns or the sultry heart of Chinatown - then I guess they just swelter and dream of Antarctica.

  12. I long for heat from the sun!!!!! Your home looks beautifully cool and serene :-) Ros

  13. It has taken me days to read this post because I was afraid that there would be some huge insect staring down form the ceiling!
    Well, we in the UK sometimes feel, when we get a rare hot spell, that we would love the open-ness of your houses. We throw all the doors and windows open and enjoy the breeze and summery smells from outside and wish we could have that feeling for longer than a couple of weeks.
    Well no, you have my sympathy. I think it's easier to get warm when you're cold than the other way round.

  14. Thanks for sharing this Helen, really interesting post. I love your home!!!!!
    Hugs Suex
