Thursday, February 3, 2011


Just look at this. Looks pretty terrible doesn't it?
This is cyclone Yasi bearing down on the north coast of Queensland.

Our  weather scientists had a busy time predicting where and when this giant storm would hit.

Evacuation centres were busy last night as people left their homes and fled to shopping centres and other strongly built structures to wait through the night.

The cyclone was expected around midnight and the streets of all the towns, big or small, north of Mackay were completely deserted by 8:00pm.

Windows were taped up to try to prevent dangerous flying glass and homes and businesses were sandbagged against the predicted tidal surge and any flash flooding that might occur.

Hospitals in Cairns and Townsville had been evacuated and all their patients air-lifted to Brisbane and the Gold Coast hospitals.

Tremendous organisation and co-operation from all concerned meant that everyone was forewarned and prepared to face the oncoming storm.

We went into the night knowing that when the cyclone crossed the coast we would lose communication with these northern areas as electricity supplies would be cut and the only thing we could do was wait for daylight to come and it would then be safe to venture outside once again. They had a frightening night ahead of them but they were prepared and in the safest places they could find.

When daylight came it was to scenes like this.

 Boats blown out of the water onto the land.

Trees completely uprooted.

Banana plantations ruined, the present crop strewn on the ground.

Older building have been destroyed including many timber homes and businesses and lots have lost their roofs especially in Tully, the worst centre of devastation, but newer buildings, constructed to special cyclone tolerances are safe.

Towns were battered but the people were safe.

And that's all that matters !



  1. It's horrifying isn't it? Spoke with a friend last night who was waiting news from her daughter who lives in the cyclone area - how dreadful must that have been to be here and her daughter so far away and in the path of such devastation. I pray all was well for her. Nature is absolutely awsome isn't she and what contrast between something such as this and the dainty little spring flowers we are searching for over here!! My thoughts go out to all who have lost their homes and possessions to this devastation but hopefully fatalities are few?


  2. What a terrible thing. Poor Queensland, they have suffered so much lately. Let's hope it will soon be over and better weather on the way. How brave everyone is.

  3. Thank goodness and let's hope that's the end of it for you all!

  4. I am amazed and thankful that nobody was killed or even significantly hurt. Homes can be re-built. Life is what matters.

  5. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us Helen, absolutely dreadful. We watch on TV to keep track.
    Hugs and love Suex

  6. Incredible pictures. What strength there is in wind and water.

  7. The power of these storms is just incrediable!

  8. Incredible pictures, but looks very frightening.
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  9. Poor old Aussies, they are getting more than their share of bad weather and disasters. Good job they are such a robust bunch of people. My heart goes out to them.

  10. Amazing pictures, glad everyone is safe!

  11. We always think you have great weather in Australia compared to us in the UK.Not this year.Thanks for posting the photos and let's hope that is it now.

  12. Your photos are quite shocking. I have been thinking about this alot since making bloggy friends in Australia.

  13. So sorry to hear of the death of the young man in Bambaroo. However, given the size and power of Yasi, it is remarkable that he may have been the only fatality. Surely after the floods and Yasi, Queensland will now be left alone by the weather demons. Best wishes from deepest Yorkshire.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What a sight. I can't believe we are hearing over here that most all are safe. They sure did a great job getting everyone out in time. You pictures as hard as they are to look at are always stunning.

    I so enjoyed reading about you last trip to England. Did I miss where you look to find all those cottages. You know the old Travel Agent in my likes those details.

    So, every muscle and bone is my body is hurting from the big dig out. Even my little toe hurt. Getting old is hard on us over 50.
