Tuesday, January 4, 2011


As usual this morning I've been cruising round the blogs,
leaving a comment here and there,
saying " Hello, how are you today?"
The topic I'm seeing quite a lot is New Year's Resolutions.

I don't know about you, but I never keep NY Resolutions.
They are usually about losing weight and THAT never seems to happen!
So I've decided that perhaps if I don't make that resolution it might happen .

What do you think of my logic?

So I'm changing tack and this is my NYR:

move more

From the above you will probably realise that I HATE exercise and am very good at avoiding it at all costs - with predictable results.
So we'll see how this NYR  goes!

:  :  :  :  :

If you look at my sidebar on the right you will now see that I have joined a Photo Scavenger Hunt.
I found it on this blog belonging to Lynn.
It sounded interesting and I thought it might provide another topic for a post each month. I don't know about you, but sometimes I find myself lacking inspiration.
Casting around for something to post about.
Thinking I've shown you all I have to show.

To this end I've joined Favourite Things Friday and Wordless Wednesday ( far from that today !) and they have helped me when I'm casting about for something to post about too.

So there it is.
I'm going to give it a try and see if I can do it and enjoy the challenge.
I'm giving it a month's trial.
I'll post my photos on the last day of January.

Perhaps you might like to join me?



  1. You know I'm all for a photo scavenger hunt. That sound just like my cup of tea.

    As far as the NYR, has it been NYR yet. I'm so far behind, I'm still wrapping the last few gift for some friends this weekend. Something about being in Florida, made it seem like we missed Christmas here.

    Off to hunt for my first picture,

    Great find

  2. I'm not a NY resolution type of gal, but, I do set goals for the upcoming year. Seems a little more achievable that way.

    Happy New Year to you and the man of the house. May it be a great one for you both!

  3. I don't make NY resolutions either, it's a waste of time and effort!
    The photo scavenger hunt looks like a great challenge, I would love to do it, but I don't think I would last very long. I might take some photos unofficially. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos.

  4. I don't make new year resolutions, with me they last all of five minutes, but I set myself little tasks to do if they get done all well and good but if not then they don't! Let's just say I've started well!!!
    The photo challenge looks good but like Marg I might join in unofficially but look forward to seeing your photos.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  5. I love the idea of a scavenger hunt but when I go back to work I'll have about 7 spare minutes a week and I'll probably use it to scratch myself.

    However I am looking very much forward to living vicariously through your photos. And possibly at some point I could be persuaded to have an unofficial go. You sound excited about doing it. Good for you!

  6. Helsie: I frequently am uninspired for blog posts and other bloggers find the same so you are not alone.
    Photo scavenging sounds good as it may make you walk around to take the photos!

  7. I don't do NY resolutions. trying to make changes in th emidst of winter, when it's cold and dark doesn't work for me. Come the Spring, when there are signs of renewal and growth all around and I am full of enthusiasm to make changes of my own.
    I look forward to seeing what you come up with doing the photo scavenger hunt. My house is full of boxes and dust, so not much to excite my readers there LOL

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You know, heaven is always listening, and I think you should have been a bit more specific than just "move more"...you may well find yourself suddenly looking for housing in Sidney, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Alice Springs, Ayers Rock, Auckland, Bora Bora, Singapore....

  10. Good luck with the Move More Helen. I don't bother with NYR anymore, I will check out the photo scavenger x

  11. I,m doing the scavenger hunt too.You right about your cousin.We live about 30 minutes from Rhuddlan.It is a lovely little place with a castle.Rhyl not quite as nice!!

  12. I am glad your joining in, now I have whipped up a frenzy I had better get on with hunting!

  13. rhymeswithplague :
    Gosh I hadn't thought of that though I have been wishing I could move to the UK for a year to "live the life" . I have a great hankering to go through the seasons in England
