Monday, January 10, 2011


If you follow this link then go to the very bottom of the page you will see horrorifying footage of the terrible wall of water that came down the mountain from Toowoomba this afternoon.


I took these photos of the weir at Mt Crosby, a ten minute drive away from my house today. This weir supplies the most of the water for a great part of Brisbane and usually has a road across it.

Terrible, frightening times.


  1. That looks really scary.Is your house going to be ok?We are watching coverage on our news over here.Frightening.

  2. Helsie Hi, I'm sorry this tragedy what is happening there, hope you're well, it is also my desire to end this terrible situation, a hug God bless you.

  3. Hi Helsie, nice to meet you. We've been watching your floods on TV over in the UK ... we can't believe the extent of the area affected .. the size of France and Germany together!!! It looks really scary!
    About the Photo Scavenge Hunt ... it's not an official thing it's just something I thought would give me some focus for my photography ... I need the practice! Just join in if you want and post your photos at the end of the month. I think it would be nice if we could get them all together somehow. I'll have a little think about how we could do it! It would be great to see some photos from down under!
    Love Kathy xxx

  4. The power of water is very frightening, I remember when the flood water made the river burst in Bocastle Harbour, Cornwall.
    As I feel excited about making my old house into a home, I also feel sad, that so many families have lost theirs.

  5. Gosh Helen, Australia is having a very tough time weatherwise at the moment - I do hope your home and all of your family and friends are ok. Very scary times - I do hope things improve soon. Kim xx

  6. I am gobsmacked at the amount of water, destruction and devastation caused by the flooding in Queensland and the huge flash flood in Toowoomba yesterday. Thinking of you guys in the north.
    Take care,

  7. I was hoping that you were high and dry and that the water coming down from Toowoomba would not affect you - good luck
    And what's worse - WA could really use that water
    We certainly get the total mix in Australia

  8. It's an absolute tragedy whats going on in Queensland and even worse the poor people in Toowoomba had no time to prepare.

    Im in disbelief.

  9. Thanks everyone for your concern.

  10. WOW... How terrible. Stay safe, my friend. But, nice capture. We have heard a little about this but seeing and knowing you are so close brings it all to life.

  11. Astounding. Yes, nature is harsh and cruel.
