Thursday, December 23, 2010


No matter where you are

dodging  snow  or  rain  or the  hot, hot sun

I wish you a safe and enjoyable Christmas

and hope that the New Year brings you


and  love

and  happiness.



  1. And wishing the same to you Helsie - pop over to mine to see my Christmas greetings to you.


  2. Oh! I see you had already been over to mine! Thanks and yes I am guessing it will be a strange Christmas for K in the outback but spoke to her yesterday and she said she is hoping to be able to extend her stay and have a bit longer! So guessing she must be happy so therefore I am too.

  3. Hello Helen,
    Thanks so much for your comments as usual!
    Its always nice you pop over. I have been rather busy as you know 'sorry'. Delivering the blankets has just been so wonderful. What an exciting year for everyone this year.
    Wishing you a very happy Christmas and New Year. The photos on your blog are amazing!

    Love Suex

  4. Thank you Helsie! Wishing you a very happy Christmas and peaceful 2011. It's been lovely visiting your blog this year. Ros

  5. Thank you, Helsie. I hope yiu have a lovely time too.

  6. Merry Christmas to you, too!
    Thanks for an enjoyable year of blogging.

  7. And to you and yours too, Helen. Have a great day!

  8. Merry Christmas Helen, we had a fabulous day, no rain, no snow and no hot hot sun, although it did peek through the clouds a couple of times. Hope you had a lovely day too.

  9. I hope you had the perfect Christmas day! Have a great 2011!

  10. Hi Helen, just dropped in and about to have a Boxing Day browse, I hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you a wonderful and joyful New Year! Come and visit anytime you like!

  11. Hi Helen, just dropped in and about to have a Boxing Day browse, I hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you a wonderful and joyful New Year! Come and visit anytime you like!
