Wednesday, November 3, 2010


You may or may not know that Tuesday was Melbourne Cup Day here in Oz.
It's known as "the race that stops a nation."
This famous, charismatic horse race is the cause of much dressing up , luncheon attending and general partying all over Australia.
Horse racing lovers come from all over the world to attend this prestigious race and fabulous Thoroughbred horses from America, New Zealand, Dubai, Ireland, and the UK are flown to Australia to compete.

The TV stations bring the fashions to us if we are not able to fly down to Melbourne to attend.

It's one of the few occasions when Aussie women wear hats!

( these are photos of my TV )

In Brisbane, stay-at-home women flock to Melbourne Cup Luncheons - either private ones held in someone's home or commercial ones held as special events.
Any excuse for a ladies' lunch !!!

So, not to be left out,  a few friends gathered  here for a few glasses of champers, a lovely lunch and, of course, we watched the race on the TV and cheered the horses on (not before we held our own sweep ).

Stylish guests arrived .....

and everyone contributed to a feast of delicious food.

I'm afraid that my horse didn't even finish the race!
Better luck next year !


On Wednesday, Tony and I drove the 60 miles south east of Brisbane to the Gold Coast .....

for lunch here,

sitting on the balcony of the Surf Lifesaving Club at Broadbeach.

with this view !

How good is that !


and before I sign off today... THAT PHOTO !

I can tell you there was nothing wordless about my response when I woke up on Tuesday morning to find a huge hole had been excavated under the fence by you know who during the night!!!

The bulbs of the lovely red hippiastrums had been ripped out and completely destroyed,
 but worst of all our lovely Mandevilla had been broken off near the ground and a large amount of it's roots dug up too!

And just after I had featured those two on FTF too !



  1. I am sure you ladies all enjoyed your lunch even if your horse didn't win! I'd certainly have enjoyed the lunch at the beach - looks stunning. Can you post a few more photos like that during the coming months please!! Actually it is very mild here for the time of year being about 16 degrees but not always sunny and of course the days are getting shorter so some lovely Aussie phots would fit the bill. Thanks for your comments on mine and for asking about my daughter - just heard she has found work again and will be in Leonora for the next 3 months if it workd out. This means she will be able to afford to come home via Indonesia as hoped. How is your daughter doing? Hope her trip is going well too.


  2. Once again I didn't proof read before clicking on Post comment!


  3. I didnt even watch Melbourne Cup this year. (busy working )

    Lunch at Broadbeach looks fabulous. I've been there, and stayed in Broadbeach for a holiday.

    And about your dogs. I have two diggers here . It's a pain in the pickle and I'm still trying to work out how to thwart their efforts.

  4. Funny to go all the way to an English blog to find you living just down the road, so to speak. Isn't it annoying to have plants uprooted by dogs? Infuriating...I can understand your frustration, a few of mine have been dug up over the years! Puppies mainly.
