Monday, October 25, 2010


I know why our hair goes grey as we get older.
It's caused by our kids !
Just imagine how much money we could save if our hair retained its lustrous , rich colour instead of going grey.
No need for rinses and dyes to keep us looking young.

But no, off they go to all corners of the world....
out of reach when anything goes wrong...
and you're not close by to help.

Across the world to the UK and Europe is a long way away from Australia.
We thought that was bad enough.......
but now Sally's in  Nepal !

Trekking !!!

Like these people !

Mostly out of touch - only satelite internet rarely.

Aiming to reach here -  

Everest Base Camp !...

where just breathing is difficult without having to hike .....
and Altitude Sickness is a constant threat.

So if I'm a bit distracted ......

it's because I'm watching for emails...

pouring over itineraries...

and ticking the days off the calendar!


All photos today from the Internet

PS. If you want to see where she has walked today watch this short video taken by some other young people earlier this year. These people are doing exactly the trek that Sally is so we are able to see what she is doing even though it is not her in the video.


  1. She crazy, just like my brother and his wife who were there last year. I just don't get it. But, sure am glad someone can take pictures to share with us in our chairs with hook in hand.... Keeping my fingers crossed she has a great journey.

  2. Yeah, mine are much the same - did not dye my hair till they were adults ☺
    Last trip one daughter made was an African safari - told me when they got back that a woman was killed by a rhino on the same safari recently
    Unfortunately, I shared the travelling bug with all 3 of mine ☺

  3. Oh Helsie - you know how I can empathise with you don't you? I don't have grey hair - yet but I know what it's like to have a child on the other side of the world where you can't help them if they need help!!


  4. So you have an adventurous kid . Sounds like she's living life. Go for it !

    It's our job as mothers to worry ..constantly. I bought shares in the hair dye factory when Miss P had Little P.

    Enjoy the fact your kid has guts. And keep checking those emails !

  5. If only - if only I had any hair!
    Any colour would do. :D
    Actually I have no hair, no kids and the only upside is that I have saved a fortune in barber's bills.
    Is that a :) or a :(
    I'm not sure.

  6. Wow Helen, what an adventurer she is! I would love to have a go, but I would be scared of the Altitude sickness and not being able to catch my breath! Can you please contact me Helen because you have won my birthday give-away! x

  7. I know you will be worried about her till she comes home but just think of the wonderful adventure she will be having and the sights she will see and the experience..... lucky young lady!

  8. Hi Helen sorry about the email mix up! I am trying to sort it out I though you just clicked on the follower picture, but I cant get on with it. Are you on flickr - thats easy to email from! x

  9. My husband did just that many years - fabulous, says he. This trip will be the making of your daughter, believe me!!
