Monday, September 6, 2010


We managed to get some cheap flights to Sydney on Saturday so we became jet-setters for the day and flew down for the day to visit Brett and Sarah.
That meant a very early morning  for me  ( 5:00am is a ridiculous time to get up !!) and an enjoyable but full day so when Sunday dawned like this.....

I was happy to spend the rest of the day like this...

......reading the paper, doing the crossword and the rest of the puzzles and generally vegging out.

I love rainy days


  1. As they say every cloud has a silver lining!! Glad you enjoyed your rainy day.


  2. Good for you! Sometimes a lazy rainy day is just the thing the doctor ordered.

    Thanks for the info on the Outback, too!

  3. OOh so do I! They are a perfect excuse for indoor pursuits and of course, a fire in the grate and a tall mug of hot chocolate :D

  4. We had some early days when traveling so I know what you mean. I got up early (at 5:30 am) for years when I had long commutes to work. We are having beautiful weather this Labor Day Weekend even though I can't enjoy it with this nasty cold.

  5. Vegging is certainly good but rainy days? Oh no no no no ..

    Thanks Helsie for your lovely comments, Mum is going from strength to strength and hopefully she'll be leaving hospital by the end of the week. x

  6. I love sitting doing nothing - trouble is the jobs that need doing don't get done!!!!!
    Julie xxxxxxx
