Saturday, September 11, 2010


As we often do on a Sunday, we travelled into the city by City Cat.
Our aim was to see the Burke & Wills exhibit at the museum but as we walked along the river we came upon a crowd of people all happily sitting and standing in the bright Spring sunshine.

It was the Brisbane Charity Duck Race!

The orange section is the race course set up in the river.

The ducks were all loaded inside the big blue container ready to be tipped into the river by the crane.

There were lots of ducks for sale...

... and people in duck hats !

and very large ducks ..

who seemed to be suffering from the heat inside their costume !!

This was the prize for the owner of the fastest duck.

...a lovely red Toyota.

A very pleasant way to spend a Sunday.



  1. You certainly do 'Ducks' in a big was in Brisbane! :)
    Made our Thames do look really tiny. :(

  2. Oh, that looks like so much fun! I should buy a duckie for our bathroom soaking tub.

  3. Hi Helsie,
    First of all thank you so much for your kind comments! Really appreciated. What a week I have had! Thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Yes we have duck races in our local park every year. It's always such fun. Nice to be able to see what you get up to in Australia.!
    I hope all is well your end.
    Love Suex

  4. What a fun way to spend a Sunday. Have a great week! Ros
