Thursday, August 19, 2010

W I P s and U F O s

I've been reading about WIPs and UFOs on this blog today.

I rather like the fact that I have a few projects on the go.
A few WIPs
and even a couple of UFOs !

I don't really know the difference but I guess if it's nearly finished it's a UFO

and if not it's a WIP !!

So this week I finally finished the second pillow case to match my quilt
which means that UFO is now finished !

The second UFO is this wheelchair bag.

It 's handles velcro together over the armrest of a wheelchair so that a person can carry things around with them.

This one is destined to go to a child and only needs the binding round the top and the velcro to be added.
Recently my CWA  group had a daylong working bee to make these for sufferers of MS.

Next come the WIPs

I now have seven tops done of my set of eight tablemats.

This is a slow project as Ionly learn one block a month.
I am also doing a table runner to go with this set.....

... and I think it will be long enough with one more star.

So if you add my little crochet learning project I have a variety of projects on the go

and that feels good !!!



  1. Your patchwork is lovely Helsie - you are obviously a natural at it. Your quilt and pillowcases look really lovely - made me want to come and have a lie down there! And your table mats are coming on well with only one more to go so perhaps I'll stay for dinner too!

    Jane x

  2. I'm the same . I like to have a few things on the go at once so I can work on whatever takes my mood when I'm in the mood.

    LOVE your table runner. Gorgeous!

  3. Your patchwork is absolutely beautiful. I love the quilt on the bed that is stunning.
    Julie xxxxx

  4. Lovely. I really need to get back to some quilting and put the hook away. I'm know what a WIP is, but am at a loss for this UFO thing.


  5. Love the bed cover - looks brilliant. The placemats and runner are coming along nicely too. The wheelchair bag is very cute - well done! As for UFO's I have a crosswork cushion I started at least 15 years ago - very fine linen and myeyes now struggle to do counted crosswork!

  6. This is weird. I just looked and you started today too. We started blogging on the exact same day. So, Happy Anniversary right back at you. I so enjoy having found you and followed on your journey, too.


  7. First offf - love, love, love your quilt and pillows - you have done a MAGNIFICENT job of these - now if I can place an order for a quilt please, colours are ...... please, I can even tell you my colours ☺ ☺ ☺
    WIP - are items you are currently working on. And if you choose you can have multiple items, like me, stretches the brain and the fingers ☺
    UFO - are items you started, put away for a while (intention was for a little while) and just never got back to - not what I like to do - rather undo it or start again

  8. Ho ho ho! Contralutions Helen! It looks perfect.

  9. Oh wow! Your quilt and pillows are absolutely beautiful! I just love the colour choices for the room...just perfect! The table mats and runners are looking good too. I've just bought myself a couple of books on quilting, but still haven't been brave enpugh to give it a go! Love your little crocheted squares, shown in your last post too! All knitting and crocheting really does look so much better once it has been blcked. It was lovely to call in today. have a great week! Ros

  10. Stunning work Helen, really beautiful! x
