Thursday, August 12, 2010


What do  you  do with leftovers?
Do you have them on toast for breakfast like some of my friends do?

make them into pies.
After the recent visit from my son there was a lot of leftover roast lamb and vegies.
So I chopped them all up together...
sweet potatoes,
cauliflower with cheese sauce,
and chopped up roast lamb.

Then I added a hefty dollop of mint jelly and gave it all a good mix.

Then this handy gadget came out of the drawer......

and this is what I produced.

When I ran out of shortcrust pastry I used puff pastry to make three of  these.

So the freezer is stocked up and we've eaten a couple for lunch.
What a clever little housewife !



  1. How professional they look! That is indeed a handy gadget if it allows you to make such good use of the leftovers. I am sure they will taste delicious too.

    Jane x

  2. I have seen those little pie makers on sale, but wasnt sure how successful theyd be, now here's my answer :)
    and did you make that lovel pastry Helen?

  3. Kath:
    I have to admit that the pastry is frozen shortcrust pastry but it is lovely. I think because the Pie Maker cooks it so well it is crisp and delicious.

  4. I would love to try this, we are addicted to samosas and I bet they would be wonderful done this way. Can you use filo pastry in the pie maker?

  5. You are a clever little housewife. Those look super delicious. It really is a great way to use leftovers and economical. Have a wonderful weekend Helen....

  6. I like that pie maker! I'll have to see if something like that is available around my way.

    You are a clever little housewife.

    Now, could you tell a fellow blogger how you cook some of you pumpkin?

  7. Any left for your blogger friends Helen? We wont be long.....
    Just waiting for that plane again!!
    Hugs Suex

  8. A clever housewife indeed ... they look delicious!

  9. Toni aka irishlas :
    I think the best way to cook pumpkin is to bake it the same way you would bake a potato but you can also steam it. I often cook mine in the microwave with the potatoes. You can mash it with a little butter (if needed ) or leave it whole.
    The important thing is to get the right type of pumpkin. We like the Kent or Butternut type best but I imagine if you can make pumpkin pie from it it should be OK.
    Happy eating!

  10. Kath:
    Don't think filo pastry would work.

  11. What time should I be there for dinner? Yum....

    A24 is Lucy over at Attic 24. Her posting should still be up and it's picture 4. I'm pretty sure you follow her.

  12. I so love pies, and so satisfying to have used up all the leftovers. It's too hot for any kind of oven activity here, I'm looking forward to September!
    Louise x

  13. Love pies, can you use puff pastry in the pie-cooker. Hubby prefers puff not shortcrust.
    My leftovers are used either as bubble n squeak for breakfast if it is a weekend or a casserole for dinner on weekdays
