Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello, I hope you all had a nice weekend.
We did.

I tried out a new recipe to take to Sally's place where we did a little more to the ongoing job of slowly sprucing up her duplex.

Just a variation on a quiche replacing loads of fattening cream with low-fat ricotta.
It received the tick of approval from the hungry recipients accompanied by a healthy salad.

Our daytime  temperatures are beginning to climb and there is a definite feeling of warm weather ahead but the nights are still cool enough to snuggle under the warm covers.
 I really LOve the cold nights of winter all snuggled up under my doona!
I have temporarily abandoned my little granny garden squares - can't face all those ends at the moment!

I am busily practising my new crochet skills on this...

It is just a very large granny square that is a good way to practise my "skills".
It has grown quite quickly and I will keep going with it till it reaches lap blanket size. Then I will attempt to put an edge all round it.

 The "wool" is very cheap and not very nice ( acrylic yarn ) but I am really enjoying the rhythm of the easy stitch and I am beginning to achieve a more uniform looking result.
I plan to finish a whole ball of blue before I bring in another band of white so not too many ends!

I am also trying to crochet over the ends as I go, though this is proving a bit difficult, but as I am leaving longer ends, if I have to sew them in at least I will be able to thread the needle !!!

I have also been buying material for a couple of new projects.

These for a lap quilt...

and these are the beginnings of a larger project.

I think choosing the material is one of the the hardest things to learn when you start quilting
but I really enjoy searching through the shops.
 I am finding there are lots of friendly shopassistants out there with a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

Finally, today was the day for my two yearly mammogram. Most of us know someone who has been touched by this disease so it is important that we do not neglect our regular checks.
This afternoon while I was looking on the internet for the pink ribbon insignia I found these cute wellies

It's a pity we don't wear wellies in Queensland, I can see myself in a pair of these
AND I'd be helping a good cause too !


  1. Love those colour combinations for your quilting projects Helsie. Your low fat quiche looks delicious too. And well done with the crochet - very patriotic!! Indeed I have been touched by breast cancer since one of my closest friends died of it just after we got back from living in France - I was so glad I was able to visit her a couple of times in the hospice - so those wellies would be a great idea.

    Jane x

  2. That quiche looks delicious and the blanket is growing! I love those blue and brown fabrics, and look forward to seeing what you make with them.

  3. beautiful choice of fabric, i cant wait to see the finished quilts. yummmmmmmy looks good

  4. I just love those blue and brown fabrics! I am glad you go for your mammograms Helen, in this country, there are, the stats say, a huge number of ladies who just dont bother to go. I'm with you on this one, early detection is the best hope for recovery.

  5. Congratulations Helen! I thank you for sharing all manner of interesting and fun things. Best to you always and always!

  6. Oh those fabrics are just gorgeous! I have recently bought a couple of quilting books, but still haven't plucked up the courage to have a go. I need to very soon! Ros

  7. Love the gum-boots and I'm definitely not a pink girl.
    Really interested in the material, colours and patterns in your lapghan choices - can't wait to see more
    Any leftover quiche to share - please!

  8. The afghan is coming on, isn't it. It is so therapeutic to be able to crochet a granny square and just keep on going.. I find it very relaxing.
    I love your fabric choices, especially the ones for the lap quilt.
    Those wellies look so cute. I bought a pair of brightly coloured wellies last year when we had so much rain here in Qld, but have hardly worn them.

  9. No, surprise. I knew you could read between my lines, pictures and secret family coding. Scooter and just want to opt out too sometimes, but then being the family that we are that never happens. Today is much better. Everyone is in their corners counting their cards. All quiet on the Western Front.

    See, it's not too hard to pick a tune or two is it.

    I just love those wellies, but we are the same here. You are doing a wonderful job with the hooking, but I do love those fabrics, especially the blues and browns.

    Sing on and hugs for the sweet words,

  10. Helen, you are getting on so well with your crocheting! I'm pleased for you. Love the materials too. I'm sorry I'm behind with your blog.
    Hugs Suex
