Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Yesterday the postman delivered this letter.

It's from the lovely Sue of Mrs Twins fame.
I was very impressed with the decoration around the letter.
So apt for bloggers I thought.

Friends, making contact,
...keeping in touch.....
all around the world.

Brilliant !

I might try it out for my header.


  1. What a lovely idea! That paper is certainly apt for us bloggers too.

    Jane x

  2. Yeah it is great paper and perfect for bloggers x

  3. I've put it at the bottom of the blog I was going to put it at the top of SIBOL, BUT wasn't sure how to do it.
    Do you ever buy things Helen and think 'one day' I will use this?
    I remember walking into the shop years ago probably ten years ago. Seeing this beautiful paper. it was so expensive and I have treasured it all these years, not wanting to waste it.
    Then when sending the Thank You cards out, I thought the time is right now! So I decided to take a copy and get some run off at the printers. Mr. T is always moaning about the runs out so quick.
    Anyway, I used the copies for the letters.
    How appropriate I thought.
    I've bought other things which at the time I put away and think 'one day'......But they do come back into your lives.
    How did you do it? Scan into machine, save as picture I wouldn't really have a clue.
    I took the html off your post on SIBOL and put it down the bottom.
    with the text.....pop and have a look!
    Have a good weekend and I feel so honoured that you have done this on your Blog Helen! Really has made my day, beautiful header!
    Love Suex
    We all ought to try and put a bit on our blogs to show we are 'united!'.
    OOh so excited.....
