Tuesday, July 20, 2010


My dear Mum turned 88 last weekend.

She is the fourth eldest in a family of fourteen children!
Here she is with her 75 year old sister.
Don't they look good?
Hope you have many more happy birthdays, Mum !


  1. Happy Birthday Helen's Mum - you look great! May you have many more to come.

  2. Oh lucky you to have your Mum still with you. Hard to tell which of the two is the younger - it must be all that Aussie sunshine that keeps them young!

    Happy Birthday Helsie's Mum!

    Jane x

  3. What a pair of lovely, happy, beautiful ladies- what is it you say.. "Ripper!" XX love from England to Mum and Auntie

  4. Two very pretty ladies! Tell your Mom I'm sending Happy Birthday greetings from Alaska! You are so lucky to have them with you still.

    My Dad would be 89 this month (he passed in 1993 at 72 almost 73) and today is my middle brother's birthday - he passed in 2002 - he would be 65 years old today. I can't imagine him being 65 at all. I still see him as a young handsome man.

  5. This is a wonderful photo Helen, one to cherish!

    Hugs and lOve Suex

  6. Now we can see where you get your looks from Helen. Mum looks very sweet - happy birthday and congrats
