Saturday, July 24, 2010


It's been a busy Saturday.

Off to the Food Markets early (6:30am !!!) to buy a fortnight's fruit and vegies.
Stowing all those vegies in the fridge is quite a task.
Since then I've been cooking up a storm.

The slow cooker has been on all day cooking a Beef Hotpot with lots of mushrooms and some red wine.

I've tried out a new recipe for Rhubarb Cobbler which looks and smells lovely.

Custard to go with it.

Some stewed rhubarb to go with yoghurt during the week,

...and finally a dozen Roma tomatoes have been halved and basted and are slowly drying in the oven.

Tonight " Made of Honour " is on TV.

 I've been wanting to see it ever since I found out it was filmed at beautiful Eileen Doonan Castle in
Scotland . ( I'm a landholder in Scotland , you know !!!)

This delightful castle is not far from the Skye Bridge.
We were lucky enough to visit it with Sally when we visited her while she was working in Edinburgh.
Now that I'm a landholder I'd love to return.
Love those bagpipes and men in kilts !!!



  1. "Love those bagpipes and men in kilts !!!"
    Then this is just for you. :D

    Loved your Rhubarb Cobbler. :)

  2. I have never gone shopping at 6:30 AM. I guess I'm not a morning person. I have a SIL who will go to those special sales at Wal-Mart in the early, early morning hours. I hate to shop for groceries - don't know why. I'm ok once I am there but getting me out the door isn't easy. I do like to shop though before noon and the crowds though. Your meals look delicious. We are getting a little tired of eating out (while traveling) so I made a nice steak dinner for us tonight. I haven't seen that movie yet but it looks good.

  3. Yummy! I now feel soooo hungry, looking at all that delicious food. It sounds and looks absolutely delicious. Yes, Scotland is very beautiful. I've only been there a couple of times myself. Enjoy the weekend! Ros

  4. Looks delicious. Are you a Laird then?!!

    Jane x

  5. Jane, I'm Lady Helsie. Remember this post for my 60th birthday?

  6. From the first photo my mouth started watering mmm then you added the cobbler oh no, I haven't had rhubarb in years - so hungry now ☺

  7. A delicious post. Especially the beef hotpot, that looks really tasty.
    I've never seen Eilean Donan castle, isn't that shocking! It's on my list though.
