Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Last week I had a patchwork lesson. We made a 9 patch block.
Very basic, I know but I thought it was time I learnt the proper way instead of winging it.
Each month I will learn a new block and I have decided to make myself a set of placemats - one of each type but all using the same material to give them some unity.
So here's my WIP for this month.


Otherwise I have been busy rounding up my clothes to take to France.

Buying Winter clothes at this time of the year is not easy but I've been trolling through the shops
 as they start to bring out the winter stuff.

It is starting to look like I have enough!!


Let's hope the weather doesn't warm up too much.

 I'm looking forward to some coolness !!


While I have been visiting the shops I've finally found a bit of colourful "wool"
to use for Mrs Twins SIBOL project.

Let's hope I can get a few squares finished and posted off in the next two weeks.



  1. OOh bless you! I love this yarn, and its really very nice of you!
    I bet you are excited about your Holiday, who wouldn't be?
    I bet you can't wait,
    thank you Helen!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  2. Love the patchwork Helen, and your squares are coming on great! You must be so excited about going to France - Im sure it will just be a pleasant temperature over there, so so exciting preparing - have fun! **Kim**x

  3. Ooh you've been busy!I would like to see all your placemats when you have the set.
    How exciting to be packing for your trip, I hope you have a wonderful time.

  4. Well done with the patchwork. A set of place mats sounds a good idea and more achieveable than a double bed quilt too! Hope you will have just the weather you like in France - I had sunshine and blue skies but it was very cold and the week after I left they had snow again! It will warm up quite quickly once it decides to though so I'd pack stuff to wear in layers so you can add more or take some off according to the temperature. I bet you are getting excited now? One word of advice the French really appreciate visitors making an attempt at speaking their language and will be more willing to speak English if they think you are trying! Many of them can speak English but don't let on because they are afraid their English will not be good enough but I always found them more than willing to help me if I started off with a Bonjour or something! Bon voyage and bon courage!

  5. That patchwork is looking good! I've never tried it myself, but always admire others' amazing projects. Pretty yarn too! Ros

  6. Loving your patchwork. I too would one day like to learn to do it properly. I so admire the beautiful quilts that can be made.
    Oooohhhh can't wait to see what happens and where you go in France - a will have a pseudo-holiday when I get to view the photos!
    don't buy too much wool over there!!! Crochet lessons won't be far off now

  7. Love the placemat Helen - maybe patchwork will be something for me to do in the future - no resources for that kind of thing here in Kokopo!!!
    Maria M

  8. The patchwork looks great! Nine patch may be simple, but, you can do so much with it. Fabric colors, square arrangements, etc. I love doing nine patch quilts. The placemat looks great, btw.
