Friday, March 12, 2010


When we went into the city on Wednesday this lovely little vessel sailed up the river.

It's a replica of the Duyfken, a small Dutch ship which, in 1606 sailed from the Indonesian island of Banda in search of gold and trade opportunities on the fabled island of Nova Guinea.

Under the command of Willem Janszoon, Duyfken and her crew ventured south-east.
They sailed beyond Os Papuas (Papua New Guinea)and explored and chartered part of the coast of Nova Guinea.

They did not find gold - but they did find the northern coast of a huge continent: - Australia.

 Captain Janszoon was the first European to map and record Australia in history so Duyfken's voyage marks the beginning of Australia's recorded history.


I think the replica is used in the tourist industry .
The ship is tiny.
I wouldn't like to sail the seas in a tiny thing like that!



  1. Lovely. I like to see proper sailing ships (not that I ever do). There's a sort of race thingy here called the Tall Ships Race and it seems to come to a different port in Britain every year. (Is it once a year? Not sure). It must be quite a spectacle.

  2. Beautiful. I'd just love to be there! Thanks for your post on SIBOL! Have a good weekend both!
    Hugs and lOve Suex

  3. Just wanted to drop by and say it looks like you had a lovely holiday and some very interesting scenery!
    I find the old ship replicas to be pretty intersting. We have one down in the Baltimore harbor - The Constellation.

  4. Hi Helsie,
    The ships Columbus sailed to the "new world" were tiny like this one too. I wouldn't want to sail in a little ship across the ocean either. In answer to your question "what is BUNCO"? You don't have BUNCO down under? You have to spread the word and start a group. BUNCO is a fun, easy dice game played with 3 dice usually played with 12 people (3 tables of four players). Depending on whether you win or lose a game one moves either up or down from HIGH table to MIDDLE to LOW table. Each of us puts $5 in the kitty and one can win for example depending on how many games you win, how many games you lose and if you roll three of a kind. You can read about it here:
    We only play three or four rounds then stop for dessert. The host (rotated every month) supplies drink, food and dessert. It's fairly popular here in the states.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  5. How did they ever do it, sailing around the world in these little sailingboats....???

    Hi Helsie, nice to meet you, thanks for your comment.

    ~X~ Karin

  6. Oh I couldn't be doing with not having a long hot soak in the bath! :D

  7. Now I don't get sea-sick, but I just might in something so, so small. I love the history part of our wonderful country. Thanks for sharing this Helsie, I haven't seen it before
