Saturday, February 6, 2010


Today is Tony's birthday and Sophie made a special cake for her Uncle Tony.

Last night we didn't want to start a bushfire so we dipensed with all those candles and substituted just a few.

This morning ( Sunday ) we set off for a Birthday Breakfast - Tony, Sally and I.

We went to the Poinciana Bar at Tony's golf club - a practice run for my birthday that is coming up soon and involves numbers that no girl (?) wants to admit to !!! It's a lovely setting surrounded by big Poinciana trees. ( You may remember them from this )

It's a rainy morning in Brissy but I love photos in the rain,  love the different type of light and it makes the green more green.

We were safely tucked up inside for a lovely breakfast.

Afterwards, as we walked back to the car I snapped a few photos to show you how pretty it all is after a bit of rain.


Then it was off home to settle down with the Sunday papers.



  1. Happy Birthday Tony! Many wishes for a great year! We're on our way home from Walt Disney World (WDW) Florida. The time always goes by too quickly. We had a couple of snaufus on the way down that I'll have to post about. The Mid-Atlanta region (states of Virginia, federal district of Washington D.C., Maryland, Delaware, and SE Pennsylvania) here got hit by a major snow storm that dumped 2 feet plus of snow by end of today. We are in Savannah, Georgia today at a campground and finally have internet service. We should be in Virginia Monday (where the snow starts) and hopefully home by Monday late afternoon if we hit no problems. We hope the roads will be clear by then. Our next campground has internet service but it is slower there so not sure if I will be able to surf the internet until I get home. Our neighbor sent us an email showing the 2 feet of snow we got at home. It's very unusual for the Mid-Atlantic region to get that much snow. Now Chicago is a different story. It's going to get very cold starting tomorrow as we get further north. We have to winterize the RV again too. Our weather wasn't great down in Florida - overcast, gray with rain most days and on the cool side but it didn't stop us from having fun.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  2. Happy birthday to Tony - that cake looks yummy! There is much more green in your pictures than I imagined there would be in your neck of the woods - it looks lovely.


  3. Happy Birthday to Tony - seems you picked a fab place to celebrate! Everything looks so green after the rain you've had - love those Poinciana trees!

    Jeanne x

  4. Happy Birthday to Tony!
    Gosh what a wonderful place! Beautiful, paradise!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  5. Sounds like a great birthday weekend! That cake looks just so yummy. I must say, everywhere looks very green and lush there in Brisbane. England is very cold and grey at present. We need some Spring sunshine to come very soon! Enjoy the week. Ros

  6. All my wishes to Tony on his day.... Nothing like a cake with M and Ms and a little golf to make his day. You sure know your way to his heart.... and the cake is chocolate too boot.

    Wow... I step away for a day and have soooo many to catch up on....


  7. Thankyou everyone, had a great birthday !
