Monday, December 7, 2009


Well today was the day.
The day to put the Christmas decorations up.
The big box of decorations came down from its place high up in the cupboard and the tree was unpacked and decorated.

Presents wrapped and under the tree.  
Well done!!

Now for the rest - a few favourite decorations that go up every year, handmade gifts from friends that are carefully packed away every year.

These lovely beaded bells were handmade by my 86 year old mother last year.

They take their place on the Christmas tree every year.

The dining table decorated.

Did you notice the centre piece?

I've just finished polishing the silver - not my favourite job!
It is a cricket trophy won by Tony's grandfather

Doesn't it come up well?
It shows off  my  handmade decorations made with beads and sequins 25 years ago and still taking pride of place!

And finally an Aussie Christmas card!

 Next job ?....... CHRISTMAS  COOKING !



  1. Yes we've got our Christmas decorations up too. Like putting them up but hate having to put them away.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your stay in our part of the world last year. I hope you found a few days when it didn't rain, or did that add to the experience ha ha!

  2. Hi Helsie,
    My Mom would have been 85 years old this year (she passed at a young, too young 66) and my Dad would have been 88. How lucky you are to still have your mom with you. Your decorations are lovely. I've never tried to do the beaded ornaments but knew a lady who did and they were so pretty. I'm still working on my decorations. I'm not putting the 6 foot tree up in the family room this year but I'm starting to decorate the cheap, slim one for the living room. I noticed my silver needs to be polished too. Don't know when I will get to that job. I've decided to start my sugar cookies on Friday - it's a 3 day process - mix up 1st day, bake 2nd and frost 3rd. None of my shopping is done yet. We decided to go home (Ohio) for the holiday so everything has to be done by the 22nd as we leave on the 23rd. Once I get the decorations up I can take some photos to share. Have a nice evening!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  3. Hi Helsie - both you and your Mum are very creative, the ornaments are so pretty. I love the snow lady(?)
